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Background: Facelift surgery is one of the most recognized of all the facial rejuvenation operations. There are a lot of misconceptions about what a facelift is and what it can accomplish. But at its fundamental core it improves the lower face by relocating loose skin from the neck and jowls up and back towards the ear where it can be removed with more hidden incisions around the ears.

But within a facelift procedure are many moving parts consisting of different maneuvers. These include such techniques as various SMAS manipulations, liposuction, fat grafting, implants and laser resurfacing. All of these are complementary procedures to either enhance the facelift result or improve its longevity. Fat grafting and laser resurfacing offer very helpful skin rejuvenation benefits, something a facelift alone does not to.

One uncommon but very helpful addition to a facelift is that of earlobe reduction. Some patients have fairly large earlobes which is a common finding with aging. Since the facelift incisions go in and around the ear it is a good time to consider a simultaneous earlobe reduction.

Case Study: This 68 year-old female wanted to improve her facial appearance and get rid of her sagging neck. She has spent much of her life being a sun worshipper/tanner which was reflected in her leathery type skin and numerous brown spots. She also had fairly large earlobes.

mvfacelift-frontUnder general anesthesia she had a full lower facelift with SMAS flap elevation and plication. During the closure of the facelift incisions a inferior helical rim earlobe reduction was performed. She went on to have in office laser resurfacing treatments six weeks after surgery.

mvfacelift-resultlong-earlobe-facelift-result-side-viewHer four month result showed a much improved neck and jawline as well as earlobes that were smaller than before surgery.

facelift-earlobe-reduction-result-side-viewfacelift-earlobe-reduction-result-side-view-copyThe relevance of earlobe reduction as part of a neck lift is that they often can appear larger afterwards. At the least earlobes will always develop a lot of swelling after surgery since the lymphatic drainage of the ear is partially disrupted by the near circumferential facelift incision. In ears that are marginally large the earlobe can appear enormous in the first few weeks after surgery. When in doubt even the marginally enlarged earlobe should be reduced.


1) A traditional facelift is a lower facial procedure that addresses the jawline and neck.

2) A lower facelift can be combined with simultaneous laser resurfacing or it can be done shortly after for an even better rejuvenative result.

3) An earlobe reduction can also be done at the same time as a facelift to ensure that they do not even look bigger afterwards.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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