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Plastic Surgery Gift Wrapped??

As we approach the upcoming holidays, many people take time off work for plastic surgery. They not only have the time but many feel this also allows them to approach the New Year with a new look and an improved self-image. Some patients tell me that their surgery is a holiday gift from a spouse, relative, or a friend. While the idea of less frown lines, fuller lips, larger breasts, or a tighter waistline may be on your holiday wishlist, here are some important issues to consider.

Most importantly, whomever pays the bill, nobody should undergo plastic surgery because someone else wants them to or because it is a gift. The desire to have the procedure should be entirely self-motivated. The happiest plastic surgery patients are those who are doing it from themselves, not for some else.

It is important to remember that plastic surgery is not a retail item, like buying a watch or perfume. It is a serious undertaking and all procedures, no matter even if done in the office, carry risks and the potential for complications. Go to a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon first to determine even if you are a candidate for the procedure. Take the initiative in properly selecting qualified plastic surgeons, don’t just go to someone because someone else says so or that they bought the ‘gift’ there. Research a doctor’s education and training, board-certification, and his/her documented experience in cosmetic surgery and procedures. Plastic surgery is a gift that you can’t give back if you don’t like it!

Plastic Surgery, with the exception of office-based Botox and injectable fillers, takes planning. Make sure that you time your ‘gift’ appropriately. A self-motivated, well-informed patient who plans their procedure around work and family is the most likely to be happy and satisfied with their plastic surgery decision.

Dr Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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