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ActiPatch is a non-drug, anti-inflammatory device that has been used for multiple medical conditions from facial surgery recovery to plantar fasciitis. It helps reduce swelling and inflammation through the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields contained in either a patch design or a loop configurations. The patch or loop devices contain a tiny circuit which is operated by a small low-voltage battery. Beneath the geometry of the circuit, a penetrating electromagnetic field or zone is created which penetrates into the tissues under the skin. The frequency of the generated signal works by decreasing intercellular fluid and inflammation in the injured site. As a result, the amount of swelling and associated pain around a surgery site is reduced and recovery is accelerated.

I first starting using ActiPatch for my own back and shoulder pains from years of long hours of surgery. It worked as well as any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and I began to use it on my breast augmentation patients. By positioning a crescent patch over the upper medial pole of the breast (where the raised pectoralis major muscle exists) and another patch over the lateral pole of the breast (4 patches per patient), I have been equally impressed with the results. My past 25 breast augmentation patients have used it with good success. It is now part of my routinue postop breast augmentation protocol and I have each patient wear them around the clock for the first 48 hours after surgery. In most cases, patients are off pain medications within 24 hours.

While I aggressively place them on an arm exercise program after surgery,which makes a big contribution to their recovery as well, the use of the ActiPatch is a simple and easy adjunct to this recovery protocol. Breast augmentation patients are extremely appreciative of any efforts made to decrease any potential pain, which is their biggest fear about breast augmentation surgery. Based on my experience with it in the breast implant patient, I can see no reason why it would not be of benefit for all kinds of breast surgery as well.

Dr Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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