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One of the many things that you are never too old for is……..caring about a long-standing cosmetic concern. Several months ago, I did a facelift on a lady who was 82 years old. She was in perfect health and was bothered by her ‘neck waddle’. While obviously everyone her age probably had a lot of loose skin in the neck, her neck bothered here nonetheless. And while her family supported her decision for surgery, although they felt she didn’t need it, she had a facelift anyway.

This age concept as it applies to cosmetic surgery was seen again in a patient that I just saw yesterday. She was 73 years old and wanted her ears pinned back. (otoplasty) Why now you would ask? After living for 7 decades, why care now? The answer was not surprising to me…as I had heard it said many different ways. ‘Because it bothers me and I can!!’ She has been heavily teased as a child about her ears and that had remained with her all of her life. She had just buried her third husband and now she was free to do it. All her husbands had discouraged her or forbid her from doing it.
All this proves is…if something deeply bothers you, age will not make it go away. As long as one is healthy and the plastic surgery poses no significant risk to one’s health, then go aheadĀ solve that long-standing cosmetic concern. It is never too late to feel better about yourself!

Dr Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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