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Dr. Barry Eppley of Indianapolis joins The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons


As the number of bariatric surgeries performed in the United States continues to increase, so has the number of patients that have been left with large amounts of loose skin after massive weight loss. The success of bariatric surgery has led to a completely new subspecialty of plastic surgery, Bariatric Plastic Surgery. While many of the face and body contouring procedures are not necessarily new, how and when they are performed in the bariatric patient with large amounts of skin are different from the non-bariatric patient. The extent of the lifting procedures, how different procedures are done together or staged, and before and after surgery management and considerations are different in this new generation of potential plastic surgery patients.

The recognition of the unique needs of the bariatric patient can be seen in plastic surgery by the numerous courses dedicated to the topic over the past five years, presentations at national meetings, and textbooks devoted to the topic. It is very appropriate, therefore, that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons has recognized this growing subspecialty and has sanctioned a special organization for it, The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons,. The society provides a comprehensive resource and a central poinjt for both patients and plastic surgeons alike to research the topic and find qualified and experienced plastic surgeons in this field. I am happy to become a member as my patients, both present and in the future, will benefit.

Dr Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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