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MIdface and Brow Implant Options for Asian Facial Augmentation

In the Asian face wide cheeks with a flatter midface is a common facial skeletal shape. There are well known bone reduction operations that address the wide cheeks but there are no osteotomy or bone moving operations that can address the lack of cheek and infraorbital rim anterior projection. Such increased projections require an implant Read More…

The Extended vs Standard L-Shaped Cheekbone Reduction Osteoomy

Asian patients are well known for the propensity for prominent cheekbones which creates a flatter and wider midface. This type of midface structure in the Asian patient can create a desire for less wide and more projected cheekbones. As a result a variety of cheek bone reduction osteotomies have been designed over the past four Read More…

Technical Strategies – Funnel Insertion of Large Custom Testicle Implants

The placement of large custom implants in the testicular enhancement patient will pose challenges through the smaller midline scrotal incisions used. When looking at the implant diameter:incisional length ratio it usually almost two to one. And while scrotal skin is very elastic and ultrasoft silicone testicle implants very compressible it can still be a challenge Read More…

The Essential Steps in the Direct Necklift

Many older male patients, as often defined as 65 years of age, or older, are most bothered by the development of central turkey neck or wattle.While a lower facelift is the definitive procedure for most forms of neck tissue sagging the older male may not prefer or be able to medically undergo the extent of Read More…

Silicone Scrotal Injections and Custom Testicle Implants

In aesthetic testicular enhancement surgery a wide variety of scrotal interventions and abnormalities can be encountered. The most common are atrophic testicular changes with below normal sizes…which is of course why they are presenting for the surgery. But numerous other entities may be found from penile pump extensions to various injectable. While every non-autologous entity Read More…

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