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Safety of Tummy Tuck Combined with Abdominal Liposuction

A tummy tuck is a major abdominal operation that usually removes a large horizontal ellipse of lower abdominal skin and fat. While tremendously effective, many patients having the procedure have excess fat beyond the zone of the tummy tuck excision whose reduction would improve the overall abdominal contouring result. While liposuction of the flanks is Read More…

The Occurrence of Seromas in Tummy Tuck Surgery

  A tummy tuck is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic body contouring procedures performed. In many ways it is a ‘big’ operation when one looks at the size of the tissue segment removed and the amount of abdominal surface area manipulated. Despite the magnitude of the surgery, most patients heal remarkably well and Read More…

Case Study – Long Terms Effects of Tummy Tuck Surgery

  Background: Tummy tuck surgery can be an incredibly effective body contouring procedure. It achieves its effects through the removal of a large segment of loose skin and fat often combined with liposuction fat removal in areas beyond the zone of the cut out tissue segment. The benefits of tummy tucks can easily be seen Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study- Tummy Tuck in Asian Female

Background: Tummy tucks are uniformly successful at reshaping the abdominal wall through the removal of excess skin and fat. While the amount of abdominal wall tightening is one criteria by which tummy tucks are judged, they are equally critiqued by the scars that are needed to create it. The fear of most tummy tuck patients Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study: Combined Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift

Background: Two of the most popular body contouring procedures today is one from the past and a relatively new one. Tummy tuck surgery has been around for over five decades and is highly successful at reshaping the abdominal wall often in a dramatic fashion. Conversely, buttock augmentation by fat injections (aka Brazilian Butt Lift) has Read More…

Tummy Tucks May Improve Urinary Incontinence

One of the most common body contouring operations after pregnancies and significant weight loss is the abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. The known benefits of tummy tucks lie in the change they bring to the shape of the abdomen and waistline. If the abdominal tissue cut out is big enough, patients may also see improvement in Read More…

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