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Essential Steps in Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery

Blepharoplasty remains the cornerstone of facial rejuvenation surgery. This is not only because the eyelids show the first and most visible signs of facial aging but because each patient has two sets of them. Of the two eyelids the upper eyelid is often the most frequently treated because it develops skin redundancies that are usually Read More…

Surgical Treatment of Congenital Festoons

Festoons are a unique lower eyelid condition that appears as bags below the more common location of infraorbital fat herniation on the cheek. Also known as malar bags they are perceived as being abnormal collections of lymphedematous fatty tissue below the lid-cheek junction. They are particularly resistant to being removed with traditional lower blepharoplasty surgery Read More…

Lower Blepharoplasty in the Thick-Skinned Eyelid Patient

While cosmetic eyelid surgery is very common, there are major differences between the upper and lower blepharoplasty procedure. This is primarily due to the much more static but suspensory nature of the lower eyelid. This makes it much more unforgiving than the upper eyelid and even slight disruptions of support or scar contracture creates lid Read More…

The Medial Epicanthoplasty in Asian Eyelid Surgery

The lack of a well defined upper eyelid crease in combination with an epicanthal fold is the most common aesthetic Asian eyelid ‘deformity’. I put the word deformity in parentheses because it is very common to have a monolid in Asians and it is not really a true deformity in the biologic sense. But it Read More…

Tear Trough Fat Grafting During Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid aging creates a number of well known aesthetic deformities. From excessive skin, herniated orbital fat, malar-palpebral grooves to tear troughs, the anatomic changes to the lower eyelid have been well chronicled. Tear troughs and the correction of this nasojugal groove have been treated by both injected fillers and fat as well as different Read More…

Technical Strategies – Z-Plasty Medial Epicanthoplasty

The shape of the eyes is affected by many anatomic structures. While much focus is on the larger eyelids, the inner corner of the eyes has a significant impact on eye appearance. While they may the small the inner and outer corner of the eyes affects eye width as well as the angulation of the Read More…

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