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Product Review: Funnel Device for Silicone Gel Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most popular cosmetic body contouring procedures in the United States. Women have a basic choice between saline and silicone gel breast implants for their augmentation. One of the considerations when choosing between these two breast implant types is the size and location of the incision needed Read More…

The Risks of Complications and Reoperation in Breast Augmentation Surgery

  Breast augmentation is a highly successful and sought after method of body contouring. But like all surgical procedures, it does have a  risk of specific complications. While breast augmentation does have some typical risks associated with any surgery, like hematoma and infection, by far the majority of complications are more long-term and are largely Read More…

The Hidden Scar Breast Augmentation

  The popularity and success of breast augmentation has more women than ever before seeking out the procedure. Besides the type and size of implant used, women are equally concerned about the incision which is used to get the implant in place. While scar placement and visibility is usually quite good with any of the Read More…

The Risk of Breast Implants and A Rare Form of Lymphoma

  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  issued today that there may be rare but possible association between breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL).This form of lymphoma is extremely rare. This information is based on between 30 to 60 reports of ALCL among as many as 10 million women with breast implants worldwide Read More…

Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation – Advantages and Disadvantages

Gummy bear breast implants have undergone clinical trial investigations in the United States for much of the last decade. Those clinical trials are now closed and the FDA is currently evaluating the data. Both existing U.S. breast implant manufacturers, Mentor and Allergan, have conducted clinical trials with their versions of the gummy bear implant. Mentor’s Read More…

Current Update on the Gummy Bear Implant for Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation is one of the most successful and sought after of all body contouring procedures in plastic surgery. A huge part of any breast result is the implant. Prior to 1991, silicone gel breast implants were the most widely used. From 1991 to 2006, saline breast implants were the only option as the Read More…

A Methodology For Choosing Implant Size in Breast Augmentation

Beauty has always been in the eyes of the beholder. The parameters of beauty also differ from one culture to another and also change with time and fashion. What does that mean for breast size, particularly in a Western culture? Well the eye of the beholder is highly influenced by the culture in which they Read More…

Breast Augmentation Under Local Anesthesia

  Breast augmentation remains a very popular body contouring procedure. It is a relatively simple outpatient procedure that takes about an hour to complete under general anesthesia. No matter how it is done, it fundamentally involves placing an implant behind the breast tissue. The breast implant essentially does all the work in terms of making Read More…

Case Study: Breast Implants with Vertical Lifts in Sagging Breasts

  Background: Breast augmentation remains as one of the most popular body contouring procedures. In simplicity, breast augmentation works by using an implant to expand out the existing breast tissue. Therein lies how the final breast result will look…it will reflect nothing more than a ‘blown-up’ version of the existing breast mound in most cases. Read More…

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