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Common Patient Questions about Breast Augmentation

  What is the composition of a breast implant? Breast implants are composed of two components, both of which are related in silicone implants and are dissimilar in saline implants. The two parts are an outer containment bag or shell and an inner filler material. In both silicone and saline implants the outer shell is Read More…

Case Study: Breast Augmentation in Indian Women

  Background:  Breast augmentation is one of the most common body plastic surgery procedures. At one time in the United States, the ethnicity of most of the women getting breast implants was largely Caucasian. But that has changed dramatically over the past two decades as the melting pot of the United States becomes more mixed Read More…

Breast Augmentation with Injectable Fat – Risk of Infection

  Injectable fat grafting continues to expand in number of uses and in acceptance as a reliable method of adding volume. Once reserved for just small volume additions to the face, it has become more recently popular in breast surgery. Starting initially with its use in breast reconstruction, for lumpectomy defects and as touch-ups after Read More…

The Gummy Bear Breast Implant

While many women perceive breast augmentation as done using a breast implant, most are not aware of the diverse array that are available. Since silicone gel breast implants have been commercially available again since 2006, the two choices that women have of implant fillers is between saline and silicone. Saline is a simple filler concept Read More…

Breast Augmentation in the Sagging Breast

  Breast augmentation involves two factors, one which is variable and another which is not. The insertion of a breast implant is a fixed factor. While the size of the implant may change, it will exert a push on the overlying tissues which is consistent. The spherical geometry of the implant puts an even force Read More…

Case Study: Saline Breast Augmentation in Thin Women

  Background:  Breast augmentation continues to be one of, if not the most, reliable body contouring procedure. At the least, its popularity by number of breast implants placed annually has remained stable if not gradually increased. Having only two types of implants to choose from, saline vs. silicone gel, the options for breast enhancement seem Read More…

Breast Augmentation Surgery Turns into a Home-Based Business

  Breast implant surgery is known to produce many things. Always it makes for a better chest contour and clothing options. And most importantly, it improves the self-image and confidence of the woman who is the recipient of them. But sometimes it creates outcomes that are unexpected and even life changing. Such an uplifting story, Read More…

Considerations for Breast Augmentation in Bodybuilders

  Breast augmentation is not an uncommon request amongst women who are enthusiasts for bodybuilding and fitness activities. This extreme fitness activity can cause loss of any residual breast tissue as muscle mass is increased and body fat is lost. This is particularly relevant for those women who didn’t have much breast tissue naturally. When Read More…

The Risk of Breast Implant Infections after Dental Treatments

  The risk of infection amongst any form of implantable medical device is one every patient who receives them takes on. Because medical devices are composed of a variety of synthetic materials, their surfaces can become colonized with bacteria which the body can have a very difficult time eradicating. Such bacterial inoculation may ultimately lead Read More…

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