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Three Helpful Concepts in Choosing Implant Size in Breast Augmentation

The consideration of implant size in breast augmentation is one of the key issues every woman carefully ponders. Prospective patients pour over before and after photographs on the internet and other medioums in an effort to gather a perspective on what would look good on them. Patients come to express their breast desires to their Read More…

Cosmetic Breast Surgery and Breast Cancer Screening

  Breast cancer continues to be a major health issue for women, averaging just under 200,000 new cases per year. It is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women. From a plastic surgery standpoint, cosmetic breast surgery cases well exceed this number with over 500,000 procedures being performed per year. The crossing of Read More…

Nipple Lifts to Correct Asymmetry in Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation is an operation that is essentially about enlarging the breast mounds. Where and how the implant is placed can affect not only the shape of the breast mounds but their symmetry to each other. The change in the breast mound, however, will not make a difference in the position of one’s nipples. Read More…

Mondor’s Syndrome after Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a very successful cosmetic procedure that, fortunately, is associated with a low risk of medical complications such as bleeding or infection. When talking to my Indianapolis plastic surgery patients about breast augmentation, I try to cover the most likely complications which can occur. Most of these will center on issues relating to Read More…

What To Expect Immediately After Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is an operation that makes an immediate and dramatic change. Because of the implant’s expansive effect, there are certain alterations in the overlying skin of the breast mound that most patients don’t think about or aren’t aware of. These changes frequently result in phone calls and concern during the first month after surgery. Read More…

Exchanging Breast Implants for a Bigger Size

One of the primary goals of breast augmentation is to give the patient their desired size through the selection of the implant that can achieve that goal. While there are many methods prior to surgery to help with that selection process, none are an exact method and the final implant placed in surgery is still Read More…

Understanding the Risks and Potential Complications in Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation continues to be popular amongst patients and plastic surgeons alike due to its immediate and highly successful results for most patients. As the operation is widely satisfying and associated with a fairly rapid recovery, patients can begin to enjoy the benefits of breast augmentation quite quickly. Despite the tremendous benefits of breast Read More…

The Sagging Breast – Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift or Both?

  The breast that has a moderate to a significant amount of sag is commonly seen by plastic surgeons. Often such a patient is seen who is seeking breast augmentation. It is commonly perceived, although largely erroneous, that a breast implant will lift a sagging breast. Despite the wonders that an implant can do to Read More…

The Risk of Revisional Surgery in Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation, due to its near instant gratification, is what I call a ‘euphoric’ plastic surgery operation. Most women are immensely excited about the prospects of the results and they have painted themselves into that role by envisioning how clothes and other attire will look afterwards. In the wake of this enthusiasm, it is Read More…

Three Things That Breast Implants Don’t Do

Breast implants remain a very popular plastic surgery option. Despite the recent economic downturn, however, the number of women requesting the procedure has not substantially decreased. The reason undoubtably is that it is a very successful procedure that produces instantaneous results. In my Indianapolis plastic surgery practice, I know of few operations that can make such Read More…

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