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Wide-Spaced Breasts in Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the relatively simple procedure of placing an implant underneath one’s existing breast mound. By so doing, the existing breast mound is changed by enlargement. What is not obvious to most patients is that although the breast becomes larger, many of its pre-surgical features remain. An implant can change breast size and to Read More…

Rapid Recovery after Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation today is easier than ever before!….That is certainly the marketing hype and there is a lot of truth to it. But to call the recovery after breast augmentation as….no recovery….easy….or  painless as some advertisements suggest is to not be completely truthful. All surgery induces some pain, swelling, and bruising. Breast augmentation is Read More…

Fat Injection Breast Augmentation Surgery

  Fat injection breast augmentation (FIBA) has been recently given a cautious note of approval by a task force of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Fat injections has gained widedpread use over the past decade for facial applications, including adding volume to sunken or depressed areas of the face and plumping up the lips. While Read More…

Silicone Gel Breast Augmentation and the Inframammary Incision

  Breast augmentation remains a highly requested body contouring procedure. Its popularity is undoubtably due to both its immediate effect and effectiveness at achieving its goal. The operation is a device-driven procedure in which the implant is completely responsible for the success of the procedure. Patients have the choice of saline or silicone gel implants Read More…

Nipple Reduction with Breast Augmentation

  While the placement of implants makes the breast larger, they will also make the nipple expand as well. This is a simple phenomenon of tissue expansion. As the overlying breast skin stretches to accomodate the size of the implant, so must the nipple-areolar complex become expanded as well. It is reasonable to expect, therefore, Read More…

Large Implants in Breast Augmentation

  The choice of implant size is a major consideration for every breast augmentation patient, for that is the reason they are having the procedure. I would wager that women spend more time on this aspect of breast augmentation than any other, including their selection of a plastic surgeon. As a result, one of the Read More…

The Projection of Saline and Silicone Gel Breast Implants

  In today’s breast augmentation surgery, women have the option of either saline or silicone gel implants. Both work effectively at enlarging one’s breasts although there are some minor functional differences between them due to their different fill materials. Amongst the options beyond the type of implant are what size and what projection. While every Read More…

The Psychology Behind Breast Augmentation

  While breast augmentation, despite the economy, remains a tremendously popular plastic surgery procedure, it certainly has its detractors. Not infrequently, I hear from patients and non-patients a questioning of why anyone would ever want breast augmentation. This is often followed with such statements as….’I would never do that to myself’…or…’How vain does someone have Read More…

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