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Silicone Gel Breast Augmentation – New Expanded Warranty Program

  The most important steps for patients considering breast augmentation is finding the right plastic surgeon for youself and choosing the best style and size of breast implant that can meet your desires. As part of choosing a breast implant is the consideration of the manufacturer’s warranty program for their implants. That is something that Read More…

Breast Augmentation – Tips for Selecting Implant Size

  Besides the type of breast implant (saline vs. silicone), the most important concern of all breast augmentation patients is size. For size is the exclusive reason one undergoes a breast augmentation. I find that many patients, understandably, obsess over the size issue worrying whether they may go too big (most common) or whether they Read More…

A Review of the Safety of Silicone Gel Breast Implants

  Since silicone gel breast implants have been re-introduced for patient use in late 2006, they rapidly have become the preferred implant for many breast augmentations. Yet, despite FDA-approval, many patients (even relatively young ones) understandably ask about their safety. In my Indianapolis plastic surgery practice, I routinuely tell patients that they are perfectly safe Read More…

Nipple Sensation after Breast Augmentation

  There is always some concern that the sensation to the nipple may be decreased or lost after breast augmentation. Since the placement of a breast implant and the nerve that supplies the feeling to the nipple are in close proximity, breast augmentation always poses some threat of nerve injury. This is an issue which Read More…

Breast Implants and the Risk of Lymphoma

  The issue of the potential impact of breast implants on causing systemic disease, specifically autoimmune problems, has been put to rest after many years of research and clinical studies. More recently, anectodal reports have arisen from the observation of a few women who have been diagnosed with lymphomas in or near the breast who Read More…

Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implants – Understanding What That Means

  The return of silicone gel implants in breast augmentation has been refreshing in providing another option to some of the issues related to saline implants. Understandably, their return creates some questions about their history and past performances. Specifically, issues relating to their safety and what happens if they should rupture. I have found that Read More…

The Influence of Implant Projection on Breast Shape After Augmentation

  Breast implants are available not only in different sizes but each size has differing projections as well. Projection involves a change in the manufactured shape of the implant so that more volume can project forward at the expense of narrowing the implant’s base diameter. A high projecting implant, therefore, has the theoretical possibility of Read More…

Scarless Breast Augmentation Surgery

  Breast augmentation remains as one of the top cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in the country. The use of a breast implant is a very successful and rapid method of getting breast enlargement due to the immediate placement of the implant device. Getting the implant in place, however, requires an incision somewhere to introduce the Read More…

Silicone Gel Breast Augmentation and the Inframammary Incision

Breast augmentation today has seen silicone gel implants not only return to availability but become more commonly used than saline implants in most plastic surgery practices. The improved feel, lack of any significant rippling, and no potential for spontaneous deflation have made silicone the preferred implant filler material for many breast augmentation patients despite its Read More…

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