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Extreme Breast Augmentation

  In most cases of breast augmentation, women usually desire predictable and reasonable increases in their breast size. (implant sizes of 300cc to 500ccs) Occasionally, maybe once or twice a year in my practice, someone will want really large breasts. A size that is disproportionate to their body frame but still able to be achieved with Read More…

Submuscular Placement of Implants in Breast Augmentation

  Placing breast implants under the muscle, known as submuscular placement, is one of the most common locations that plastic surgeons choose. While above the muscle implant location (subglandular) was more commonly done prior to the withdrawal of silicone implants in 1991, saline implants and their risk of rippling and the desire to decrease capsular Read More…

The Weight of Breast Implants

  A very common question that most breast augmentation patients ask during a consultation is…how much do breast implants weigh….and which weighs more, silicone or saline breast implants? This question is one of more interest than importance as there are many more relevant issues in deciding between these two implant filler materials than their weight. Read More…

Breast Augmentation – What To Expect Right After Surgery

  Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States and also one of the most euphoric cosmetic procedures due to the instantaneous results. In one hour of surgery, an immediate increase in breast size is achieved. Despite the successful nature of breast augmentation surgery and the immediate Read More…

When To Replace Your Breast Implants

  Breast augmentation is an operation that works exclusively because of the implant. Like joint replacement surgery, the operation is completely dependent on a medical device for its result. Like all medical devices, breast implants will eventually fail for some patients at some point in their lives. Because of this concern, I not infrequently hear Read More…

The Difference between Saline and Silicone Breast Implant Failures

  Breast augmentation remains as one of the most popular and successful of all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. The biggest decision any woman makes (beyond deciding to undergo the operation) in considering breast augmentation is the choice between saline and silicone breast implants. One consideration in making this choice is to consider the risk of Read More…

ActiPatch Therapy and Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation Study

Contemporary recovery after breast augmentation is designed to be short with minimal disruption of one’s lifestyle. Anti-inflammatory medications and early physical therapy of the arms (the attachments of the pectoralis muscle) are the mainstays of an aggressive recovery program after the placement of breast implants. Gone are the need for bulky dressings and restrictions on physical activity Read More…

The Manufacturer’s Warranties of Breast Implants

  Breast augmentation is a procedure that requires the use of a synthetic breast implant to create a bigger breast. Breast augmentation is one of the few plastic surgery procedures where the device (implant) is responsible for the entire result. But like all medical devices it may fail and the breast augmentation result will be Read More…

Understanding the Risks of Revisional Surgery in Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation is a wonderful procedure that does a great job of enhancing a woman’s  breast size.  Because it takes an implant to achieve this result, however, there are distinct risks associated with a synthetic enhancement method. Such complications include the typical surgical risks of bleeding and infection but an implant brings to the Read More…

Asymmetry after Breast Augmentation – Why Does It Happen?

  The single most common complication in breast augmentation is asymmetry of the breasts after surgery. I don’t know what the national average rate of revisional surgery is to correct breast asymmetry after implant placement, but in my practice it is about 5%. Clearly, one can see that this risk is not rare. Breast asymmetry  Read More…

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