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The Risk of Asymmetry After Breast Augmentation

One of the known complications of breast augmentation surgery is asymmetry between the two breasts after surgery. Of all potential complications with breast implants, such as infection, bleeding or other issues, asymmetry is the most common. It is the most common reason in my practice, accounting for over 90% of revisional surgeries, for a return Read More…

Breast Enlargement Pills – Hope or Hype?

Breast enlargement pills are ubiquitous in their advertising presence, particularly on the internet and in women’s magazines. Like penile enhancement pills and creams, they entice women in the hope of a natural and non-surgical means of enlargement. They are enticing because they appear to be an easy way to get larger breasts without the risks Read More…

Pain and Rapid Recovery after Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation is a highly successful operation that was performed about 330,000 times in 2007 in the United States. While many wome desire breast enlargement, they may be fearful of the amount of pain after surgery and that they may have a long recovery until they can get back to their normal activities. Breast Read More…

Saline Breast Augmentation: A Potentially Deflating Experience

  Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures because….the results are immediate and very gratifying for nearly every single woman that undergoes the procedure. Breast augmentation can be done with either saline or silicone implants, both of which work well and create identical results in the end. But there Read More…

Silicone Breast Implants: Fast Forward 20 Years

  Now that silicone gel breast implants have been officially back and FDA-approved since 2006, most breast augmentation patients are opting for it. While it is more costly than saline breast implants, silicone breast implants offer a more natural feel, have very little to no implant rippling, and will not deflate in size if they Read More…

Your Breasts and Your Breast Augmentation Result

  Breast augmentation surgery will always make a dramatic difference in the size of your breasts but the final shape may be a different matter. It is common for me to see patients who bring in pictures of what they want their breasts to look like, taken from magazines and internet sites. And while these Read More…

The Influence of Breast Implant Shape in Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation is an operation that achieves its goal principally through the use of an implant. Whether it is a saline or silicone breast implant, both achieve enlargement of the breast in a near instantenous manner. Traditionally, breast implants have been of a uniform round (oblong really) shape. When this breast implant shape is Read More…

Rippling of Saline Breast Implants

    Saline-filled breast implants typically have some amount of rippling or wrinkling which is not usually seen with silicone gel breast implants. (although it can still occur) This is particularly evident in women with thin skin and very little breast tissue. Implant wrinkling is felt on the bottom and sides of the breasts and Read More…

The Risk and Mechanism of Saline Breast Implant Deflations

  One of the known complications of the use of saline breast augmentation is the lifelong potential of deflation of the implants. Often referred to as rupture or developing a hole in the implant, the term deflation is more appropriate as it occurs without warning as the implant just slowly deflates over hours or days. Read More…

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