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The Health of Children Born to Women with Silicone Breast Implants

An exhaustive amount of investigations have been done relating to the health of women who have had silicone breast implants. Little work has been published on a more obscure, often not thought about, but very relevant issue… silicone breast implants have an any adverse effects on children born to mothers who have had breast implants? Read More…

Silicone Breast Implants and AutoImmune Disorders

  Since silicone breast implants have been re-introduced into the commercial marketplace in the United States in late 2006, most of the women seeking breast augmentation are not aware of the tremendous controversy with their predecessors fifteen years ago due to their age. Generally, only patients over the age of 40 would likely remember the Read More…

The Effect of Silicone Breast Implants on Breast Cancer Detection

  While not commonly asked, one of the first questions a potential breast augmentation should ask is…does the breast implant interfere with being able to detect breast cancer? Since breast cancer in the United States affects one in 11 women during their lifetime, this is a fairly important question. As breast augmentation procedures continue to Read More…

The Safety of Breast Feeding with Silicone Breast Implants

  Now that silicone breast implants are back for breast augmentation, they are rapidly becoming the preferred implant over saline for primary breast augmentation. Due to their more natural feel, lack of implant rippling, and lower risk of detectable implant failure, they now represent 90% of implants that I put in for breast augmentation. One Read More…

Breast Augmentation – Picking Your Implant Size

  How to Pick your Desired Breast Implant Size One of the single greatest concerns for most breast augmentation patients is…..getting the amount of breast size increase that they desire. While most fears revolve around a concern that they might be too big, others are concerned that they get enough breast size increase to ‘get Read More…

Saline vs Silicone Breast Implants in Breast Augmentation

How to Choose between Saline or Silicone Implants in Breast Augmentation Since silicone breast implants have been re-introduced to the commerical market in late 2006, this has provided women with a choice in breast augmentation. While some plastic surgeons may favor one type of breast implant over another, the reality is that both breast implants Read More…

The Role of Anatomic Implants for Breast Augmentation

Anatomic or Shaped Implants for Breast Augmentation Many breast augmentation candidates invariably ask the question about ‘anatomic implants’ as a breast implant option. Most ask that because they have a fear of having a round, beachball-like appearance after surgery which they view as unnatural. Some patients, of course, think that appearance is natural and even want Read More…

The Safety of Silicone Breast Implants in Breast Augmentation

Silicone Gel Breast Implants in Breast Augmentation – Scientific Assessment of their Safety Despite the release of silicone gel breast implants for widespread commerical use in late 2006 and being one of the most (if not the most) studied medical device in history, some patients do question their safety. Any patient over 30 years of Read More…

The Art of Breast Augmentation – Part 2

The LOOK Method in Breast Augmentation   I have discussed in a previous blog the actual procedure of breast augmentation of what breast augmentation can…and cannot do. In this article, I will present some of the features of what makes a beautiful breast. And what we as plastic surgeons can do to make them Most Read More…

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