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The Art of Breast Augmentation – Part 1

  Achieving Natural Results in Breast Augmentation The image of a beautiful breast will vary greatly, dependent upon a woman’s perspective and tastes. I have found in consultation with patients that it is actually easier to have a woman describe what they don’t want their breasts to look like…and then work from there to figure Read More…

Patent Issued For New Filler Material for Breast Implants

Dr Barry Eppley, Plastic Surgeon of Indianapolis, Patents a New Filler Material for Breast Implants for use in Breast Augmentation (Patent No. 6,187,044)   Breast implants used for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction are currently filled with saline or variations in gel forms of silicone. Both saline and silicone filler materials for breast implants have Read More…

Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

Return to Normal Quickly after Breast Augmentation – Dr Eppley’s Approach in Indianapolis Breast augmentation is both a popular and highly successful procedure that is done over 300,000 times per year in the United States alone. Some women, however, fear the procedure due to the belief that there is a lot of pain after surgery Read More…

The Safety of Silicone Breast Implants

Safety of Silicone Breast Implants in Breast Augmentation Since silicone breast implants have become commercially available since late last year, the vast majority of breast augmentation patients now choose silicone over saline. While both saline and silicone breast implants can satisfactorily increase the size of the breast, the feel of silicone and its lack of Read More…

The Composition of Breast Implants

  Anatomy of a Breast Implant While patients have a major choice between saline or silicone filler materials today in breast implants for breast augmentation, there is another component of a breast implant that is frequently overlooked and can have a big impact on how a breast augmentation feels….and that is the bag or shell Read More…

Breast Implant Selection in Breast Augmentation

Choosing Breast Implant Size in Breast Augmentation   Since I have been talking about methods for determining the right breast implant size for a patient, let me share with you one method as promoted by Mentor, one of the two breast implant manufacturers in the United States. Their system, known as Body Logic, provides a Read More…

Implant Size in Breast Augmentation

  One of the most important considerations that a patient has about the breast augmentation procedure is the final size that the breasts will be. Obviously, this is controlled almost exclusively by the size of the breast implant. I have previously discussed in a prior post about the differences between saline vs. silicone breast implants. Read More…

Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

PAIN FREE BREAST ENLARGEMENT ?? Probably not….but Breast Enlargement with LESS PAIN ?? Breast Enlargement with LIMITED DOWN TIME ?? ………Yes it is possible! If you have always wanted breast implants but were concerned about the recovery time, a new program exists to allay those fears. Whether you work full-time or are a stay-home mom, Read More…

Free Breast Augmentation Surgery??

Website for Sponsoring Breast Implant Surgery Just when I thought I had seen most everything in plastic surgery…..something stranger and more incredulous appears. With the ever increasing number of women undergoing breast augmentation, over 350,000 last year in the United States, the issue of affordability is a not uncommon problem with this procedure. Due to Read More…

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