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Case Study – Silver (Older Women) Breast Augmentation

Background: Breast augmentation continues to enjoy widespread popularity and literally is a procedure for all ages today. While the majority of women getting breast implants is still largely under the age of fifty (50), the above fifty group who are willing to have the surgery is growing. While once it seemed rare to have women Read More…

Case Study – Breast Augmentation under Local Anesthesia

Background: Breast augmentation is the most popular body contouring procedure and is most commonly done under general anesthesia. Given that most breast implants, saline and silicone alike, are placed in the partial submuscular plane, the use of general anesthesia provides the most comfortable intraoperative patient experience. It is hard to imagine lifting up the pectoralis Read More…

Case Study – Anatomic Implants for Natural Breast Augmentation

Background: As a device driven operation. breast augmentation has a variety of implants styles, shapes and sizes from which to choose. Understandably prospective patients think the implant chosen will result in the way the breast will look after surgery. While there is no doubt the implant has a major influence on the result, the natural Read More…

Volumetric Sizers in Breast Augmentation

The selection of implant size is one of the most important and debated choices in breast augmentation surgery. Women understandably spend considerable time considering this choice and on today’s internet a lot of breast implant results are available for viewing. While many results give the woman’s height and weight and breast implant size used, that Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Breast Augmentation in Widely Spaced Breasts

Background: Breast implants can change many feature’s of one’s breasts including obvious size and creating a rounder and fuller shape. But there are other characteristics of  the breasts in which they can not and may even make some features worse. If the nipples, for example, are horizontally at two different levels initially, augmentation will usually Read More…

Silicone Breast Implant Rupture Is A Misnomer

Now that silicone breast implants have been back in clinical use for almost a decade (since 2006), they have rapidly become more commonly used than saline breast implants.  Their more natural feel and the ability to last longer are amongst several important considerations for their favor over saline filled devices. But the most compelling feature Read More…

Physiologic Tissue Adaptation to Face and Body Implants

Synthetic implants  are involved in some of the most common procedures performed in plastic surgery. From the skull down to the calfs, implants allow an instantaneous augmentation effect to be achieved of a variety of sizes and shapes. While rivaled more recently in some procedures by fat injection grafting, implants offers a permanent volume/augmentation effect Read More…

Plastic Surgery Product Review – Ideal Breast Implant

  Breast implants have evolved considerably over the past twenty five years. Almost all of these technological improvements have occurred with silicone gel breast implants. Saline breast implants have essentially remained the same with the exception of the enveloping silicone shell bag. That is until recently. The FDA has just approved a new type of Read More…

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