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The Rice Test for Preoperative Breast Implant Sizing

The selection of implant size is viewed as the most important decision for many women undergoing breast augmentation surgery. Despite its importance, there is no exact scientific method for determining the right implant size for any patient. One of the most common methods for preoperative size estimation is the rice test.  ‘The rice test’ is Read More…

Silicone Breast Implants Under 22 Years Of Age

Since silicone implants were re-introduced eight years ago in 2006, they have gradually returned to their dominance over saline breast implants. With a more natural feel, lack of a deflation risk and being longer lasting, they have numerous advantages over saline-filled devices. But despite their commercial availability they are not available to all women who Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Just about anyone considering silicone breast implants has heard the term ‘gummy bear’ breast implants. Some women even come in requesting this specific ‘type’ of breast implant. Besides the catchy name, what is the appeal of it? Gummy bear implants are made of a highly cohesive silicone gel which does not act like a liquid. Read More…

The Impact of Breast Implants on Breast Cancer Detection

  A frequent question about breast augmentation is whether there is a link between breast implants and cancer. Given that there has never been shown to be any relationship between getting breast implants and  developing breast cancer, the more relevant question is whether the implants hinder the ability to detect breast cancer. Giving the occurrence Read More…

Technical Strategies – Exparel for Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

  Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular and commonly performed elective body contouring procedures. The most frequent location for breast implants is under the pectoralis major muscle, technically a partial submuscular location known as the dual plane pocket. While this implant pocket location has numerous advantages long-term, the elevation of the muscle does Read More…

Implant Malposition in Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic body procedures in the U.S.. While producing immediate and often dramatic changes in breast size and shape, it is a procedure that is associated with a variety of potential complications. Some of these complications are surgery-related (e.g., hematoma) while others are device-related. (e.g., capsular contracture) Read More…

Forensic Use Of Breast Implant Identification Numbers

The implantation of medical devices is extensive and varied and crosses all surgical specialties. Plastic surgery is no exception with the use of a wide array of implants from the face to the legs. The most recognized and largest medical device that is implanted in plastic surgery is that of the the breast implant. Having Read More…

Silicone Breast Implants: Past, Present and Future

  Silicone breast implants have been around since 1962, encompassing a complicated and  interesting history of device development that now spans over five decades. Between three U.S. manufacturers, a wide array of commercially available breast implant devices exist today. Saline-filled devices have not really changed over these years but silicone-based implants have undergone a significant Read More…

Case Study: Breast Lift with Implants for Postpartum Sagging

Background: Loss of breast volume and resultant sagging is a common sequelae of pregnancy. The more pregnancies a woman has the more the breasts will sag. The sag is a function of loss of volume (like a balloon deflating) and increased skin and loss of its elasticity. (the lining of a balloon gets bigger) Such Read More…

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