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The Need for Revisional Surgery in Combined Breast Lifts with Implants

  It has been a repeated mantra of mine that the ultimate cosmetic breast reshaping operation, a combined breast lift with implants, has a high rate of ‘complications’ or need for revision.  It is something that I repeatedly counsel women on before surgery. My stated rate of revisional surgery in augmentation mastopexy patients is potentially Read More…

Preoperative Implant Sizing Reduces Breast Augmentation Revisions

One issue that women gloss over in the consideration and planning of their breast augmentation is the potential need for revisional surgery. There are many reasons a breast implant revision may need to be done including infection, bleeding, implant malposition, asymmetry, capsular contracture and unhappiness with the size selection. In reading breast implant package inserts, Read More…

Patient Testimonials – Shaped Breast Implant Augmentation

  Shaped Breast Implants (Breast Augmentation) Thank you for doing my recent breast augmentation which was two months ago already. I was very concerned about getting breast implants and couldn’t decide which ones to get. I was afraid I might be too big and look too round and unnatural. But you took the time and introduced Read More…

Capsular Contracture Rates in Breast Augmentation

Despite the success and high patient satisfaction with breast implant surgery, it is not a complication-free operation as it uses a device to achieve its effect. Historically the most well known breast augmentation complication was hardening of the breast (capsular contracture) due to excessive circumferential scar formation around the implanted spherical device. While once the Read More…

Case Study: Transaxillary Silicone Breast Augmentation

Background: The use of the transaxillary (armpit incision) for breast augmentation has been historically limited to the use of saline implants. Because saline implants are inserted deflated, they are rolled into a tight ‘burrito’ and inserted through an incision that is usually no bigger than an inch or 2.5 cms. in most cases. This creates Read More…

Shaped Anatomic Implants for a Natural Breast Augmentation Result

  The number of women who are undergoing breast augmentation on an annual basis shows no sign of decreasing anytime soon. It is a popular body changing/improvement operation because it creates an instantaneous change with the insertion of a breast implant. The size of the implant plays an obvious major role in enlarging the breast Read More…

Case Study: Breast Augmentation in Widely Spaced Breasts

Background: The desire for larger breasts is very effectively achieved through the placement of implants behind the breast tissue/mound. This will create a larger and rounder breast mound but that is usually the limit of what it actually achieves. Implants have little capability to do much breast lifting and it can not change the position Read More…

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