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Postoperative Instructions for Breast Lifts with Implants

  Breast reshaping for many women requires a combination of volume enhancement/restoration and lifting of sagging skin and a low nipple-areolar position. Saline or silicone breast implants are placed in a complete or partial submuscular position and various types of lifts are performed on the overlying breast skin envelope. In most cases of significant breast Read More…

Consent for Plastic Surgery: Breast Lifts with Implants

  Every plastic surgery procedure has numerous issues that every patient who is undergoing a procedure should know. These explanations are always on a consent form that you should read in detail before surgery. This consent form, while many perceive as strictly a legal protection for the doctor, is actually more intended to improve the Read More…

Case Study: Correction of Sagging Breasts with Combined Lifts and Implants

  Background: The combination of pregnancies, weight loss and gravity change most every woman’s breasts.All of these undesired changes are classic, the breasts change shape and they sag downward. The combination of more skin and less volume allows the breasts to lose their once uplifted and rounder appearance. Some women undergo involution only (breast tissue Read More…

Case Study: Breast Augmentation in the Female Bodybuilder

Background: Breast augmentation can be done placing implants either above or below the pectoralis major muscle. There are arguments for and against either implant location although the vast majority of plastic surgeons today opt for an under the muscle (subpectoral) implant position. The reasons are better tissue coverage of the implant and a reduced risk Read More…

Subpectoral vs Subglandular Breast Implant Placement

One of the historic debates in primary (first time) breast augmentation is whether the implants should be placed above or below the pectoralis muscle. While this issue has various opinions amongst different plastic surgeons and has waxed and waned over the years as implant options have changed, it is important that prospective patients know the Read More…

Avoiding The Need For A Lift In Breast Augmentation

The placement of a breast implant is often viewed as being either under the pectoralis muscle or above it. When it comes to being above the muscle in the so-called subglandular position it can only be completely in that position. But when it comes to the submuscular position, a partial or complete placement relative to Read More…

Case Study: Correction of Breast Implant Bottoming Out

Background: The placement of breast implants is largely debated about whether it should be above or below the pectoralis muscle. While this is an extremely important decision, the implant’s relationship to the inframammary fold also has relevance. It will have an influence on how the augmented breast shape will look, regardless of the tissue plane Read More…

Top Plastic Surgery Searches in 2012

  On the final day of 2012, it is interesting to look back and see what some of the trends and interests were in plastic surgery over the past year. While plastic surgeons may perform the surgeries, the interest of patients drive the number and type of surgeries that are done. For this reason, it Read More…

The Role of Breast Base Diameter in Breast Augmentation Implant Selection

Breast augmentation is one of the most common aesthetic plastic surgery procedures and is in the repertoire of almost every plastic surgeon. Despite the commonality of this cosmetic breast procedure and the tremendous experience of many in performing it, it has an unappreciated (by patients) high reoperation/revision rate. While the medical literature reports reoperation rates Read More…

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