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Breast Augmentation Outcomes and Incision Choice

The success of breast augmentation is influenced by a wide variety of surgical technique factors. No one single technical maneuver has been shown to be necessarily more important other than the submuscular placement of the implant, which has been shown to reduce numerous after surgery risks. When one looks at the relatively high incidence of Read More…

The Emerging Popularity of the Mommy Makeover

The concept of a Mommy Makeover has become a very popular plastic surgery procedure in the past decade. While sounding like a novel procedure, it is really nothing more than combining traditional breast and abdominal reshaping procedures in a single one-time operation. When put together they change the two body parts most affected by pregnancy Read More…

Case Study: Breast Implant Replacements After 20 Years

Background:Breast augmentation is entering its fifth decade of human use. In fact, the first breast augmentation patient is still alive and is 82 years old. Over that time, much has been learned about the procedure and the implants themselves have undergone a lot of design and structural changes. With each passing decade of use, breast augmentation Read More…

Why Do Breast Implants Fail?

One of the often unrecognized realities of having breast implants is that one day they will fail. Almost all women will eventually experience breast implant failure and have to have them replaced. The definition of breast implant failure is that the containment bag or shell develops a hole or a tear which can allow its Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Saline Breast Implant Noise

There are numerous differences between saline and silicone breast implants. All of these differences revolve around it being filled with essentially a water solution. One of these differences is that saline breasts can make a noise during the recovery process. For a period of time after surgery, these implants can be occasionally heard to be Read More…

Breast Implant Failure and Replacement Warranties

Breast implants are similar to many other medical devices as well as numerous products that we use in everyday life. They have a limited lifespan. Contrary to the perception of some patients, breast implants will not last over a patient’s lifetime nor is breast augmentation a single time surgery. Like the tires on your car, Read More…

Case Study: The Challenges of Combining Implants with Breast Lifts

Background: A woman’s breast is not a stable structure over her lifetime. It is exposed to many changes from its initial development throughout puberty to an older woman. Undoubtably the greatest changer of breast shape is pregnancy, causing gradual expansion and then a relatively rapid deflation. With this overall yoyo of breast shape comes loss Read More…

What Is A Gummy Bear Breast Implant?

The concept of a gummy bear breast implant has been around now for several years. Patients ask about them, often enthusiastically, like it is the ultimate breast implant. A few prospective breast augmentation patients even say they are not going to have their surgery until they are available. The name gummy bear is all over Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Breast Implants 50th Anniversary

Breast implants continue to be one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, accounting for over 300,000 procedures last year in the U.S. alone. While breast implants seem like they have been around forever, it is now a mere 50 years since the first breast augmentation surgery was performed in the spring of 1962 in Texas. Read More…

The Evolution of the Mommy Makeover in Plastic Surgery

Pregnancy has an effect on the female’s body that is unriveled in men. Stretching of the abdominal muscles and skin and enlargement of the breasts followed by an overall deflation with delivery usually causes irreversible tissue changes. Many of these tissues pass the elastic deformation stage from which there is no snapback or return to Read More…

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