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The Ideal Breast Implant Update

  The Ideal implant is the first truly new idea in breast implants that has come along in decades. Its innovative internal baffle and dual chamber design allows a saline-filled implant to act more like a silicone breast implant. It has a fairly natural feel and does not develop rippling but also offers the piece Read More…

What Makes for a Natural Breast Augmentation?

One basic preoperative concept of breast augmentation has taken on a contemporary approach of tissue-based planning. Such an approach strives to achieve a ‘natural breast augmentation’ result by not overwhelming the breast tissues with implants that are more than the tissue can accommodate. By having good tissue support for the implant there is a  lower Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Hispanic Breast Augmentation

Background: Breast augmentation is a common body contouring procedure. Of the many pictures of breast augmentation results on the internet, the vast majority are of Caucasian type. The main difference with Hispanic or Latin women is their increased propensity to develop dark pigmentation at incision/scar sites. While they almost never develop hypertrophic or keloid scars, Read More…

The Dual Chambered Design of the Ideal Breast Implant

Historically the choice for women considering breast augmentation were either saline or silicone devices. These very contrasting breast implants choices have very well known advantages and disadvantages. Saline breast implants offer the most economical approach to the procedure with aesthetic device issues such as rippling, an unnatural feel in some patients and the risk of Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Vertical Breast Lifts with Implants

Background: Sagging of the breasts is a common result from pregnancies and weight loss. The loss of breast volume withdraws the support of the overlying breast skin leading to collapse of the breast mound. The breast mound then falls over the fixed inframammary fold creating a sagging breast appearance. The classification of breast sagging is Read More…

Successful Placement of Large Breast Implants

While there many important issues to consider in breast augmentation, the size of the implant is one that women spent the greatest amount of time pondering before surgery. There are a variety of implant sizing methods and they all have their merits, but the reality is that breast implant sizing is not an exact science. Read More…

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