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The infra Brow Bone Implant for Upper Eyelid Hollowing

The most common perception of eye hollows relates to that of the lower eyelid. This is where the area underneath the lid margin is sunken in with a concave appearance which could be due to congenital development, aging, significant weight loss, illness or even prior surgery from prior lower blepharoplasty surgery. While less commonly occurring Read More…

Can A Brow Bone Implant Create A Brow Lowering Effect?

Augmentation of the upper third of the face has been less commonly done than the lower two-thirds of the face. Besides it being less frequently requested there is historically no standard implants to do so. The lack of available standard implants is a testament to the low frequency of demand for this area of facial Read More…

OR Snapshots – Non-Custom Brow Bone Implant Fabrication

In the lower two-thirds of the face there are numerous standard implants for aesthetic augmentation. In the upper third of the face, however, no such options exist. This undoubtably is because of the low number of patient requests historically for aesthetic forehead and brow bone augmentation. It also speaks to the anatomic reality that the Read More…

Gender Differences in Custom Brow Bone Implant Designs

While brow bone reduction is fairly well known because of the emergence of facial feminization surgery, less is known about its opposite cousin brow bone augmentation. While aesthetic brow bone augmentation has been done sporadically for years there has never been a completely satisfactory method for doing so. Different biomaterials have been used, usually hand Read More…

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