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Patient Testimonials: Brow Bone Reduction/Forehead Reshaping

Brow Bone Reduction and Forehead Reshaping ‘Had brow bone and forehead bone reshaping done recently by Dr. Eppley. The results are amazing. I had a really big protruding brow bone that made me look like a Neanderthal man. The whole process was very smooth and transparent. A large amount of bone was removed, some of Read More…

The Uniqueness of Male Plastic Surgery – Facial Procedures

The facial aging process is one that is well known as everyone will eventually see it on their face. The eyes get heavy, the brows descend, the cheek fall, jowls develop and the neck sags. Women become concerned earlier in the aging process and proceed to do procedures to treat or slow it down in Read More…

Postoperative Instructions for Brow Bone Reduction Surgery

Most brow bone reductions need to be done through an open scalp incision. Unless the amount of brow bone reduction is very minimal (a few millimeters) the underlying frontal sinus must be factored into the operative technique. Brow bone reductioin can be done by burring, burring and infracture and removal of the brow bone with Read More…

Consent for Plastic Surgery – Brow Bone Reduction

Every plastic surgery procedure has numerous issues that every patient who is undergoing a procedure should know. These explanations are always on a consent form that you should read in detail before surgery. This consent form, while many perceive as strictly a legal protection for the doctor, is actually more intended to improve the understanding Read More…

Endosopic Reduction of Prominent Brow Bones

A prominent supraorbital or brow bone is known as bossing. While some degree of bossing is acceptable in men, it rarely is so in women. The shape of the lower forehead in men can have a brow bone prominence as evidenced by a brow bone break into the mid-forehead area. In contrast, women desire a Read More…

Case Study: Reduction of Prominent Brow Bones in Men

Background:One important aesthetic area of the forehead is the brow region situated at its lowest extent above the eyes. Men and women have different brow and forehead shapes that are considered desireable and gender specific. Females have non-protrusive brow bones that taper towards the temples on the sides and give a smooth rounded forehead appearance Read More…

Common Questions on Forehead Reshaping and Contouring

What influence does the forehead have on one’s appearance? The forehead is a very prominent and visible facial area. While it is not the most dominant facial feature, it does have an influence on one’s appearance in numerous ways. The forehead does have an influence on gender appearance. In men, the brow ridge (bossing or Read More…

The Many Types of Facial Bone Reduction Surgery

  Changing one’s bony prominences is the primary method for altering the shape of the face. The face is composed of a variety of bones which have convex and concave contours. The external appearance of the face is highly influenced by the convex bone contours. From the brow bone down to the long curvilinear shape Read More…

Options for Brow Bone Reduction in Men and Women

  The need to change the shape of the forehead or brow bone is very uncommon. Reshaping the forehead or the brow bone  (the bone below the eyebrows) is possible but  there are different procedures that can be done based on the shape of the forehead and the brow bone. The shape of the skull Read More…

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