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The Fat Grafting Science Behind The Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is one of the most popular and talked about body contouring procedures in the past few years. Driven by celebrities, models and the desire for a certain look in clothes, a rounder and fuller buttock shape has taken on a new level of aesthetic desire and sensuality. While it is often Read More…

The Dangers of Black Market Buttock Injections

Having a larger and more shapely buttocks is a very popular beauty trend today. Numerous celebrities have helped drive this societal desire which has strong ethnic appeal, particularly in African-American and Hispanic women. Plastic surgery can help achieve that look through two specific buttock enhancement procedures using either your own fat (Brazilian Butt Lift) or Read More…

Evaluating the Intramuscular Technique for Buttock Implant Augmentation

Synthetic implants are the original method of buttock augmentation. While supplanted in numbers by the Brazilian Butt Lift (fat injections), buttock implants are still a good option for the properly selected patient. Implants offer assured permanent buttock augmentation and are the only option for those patients who have inadequate fat stores for liposuction harvest. Buttock Read More…

Postoperative Instructions: Buttock Implants

Buttock implants is an established method of permanently increasing the size of one’s buttocks. Implants are placed either into the gluteal muscles or on top of the gluteal muscle through an intergluteal incision. It is a buttock augmentation procedure that takes more recovery than the more commonly performed buttock augmentation method. Here is a list Read More…

Consent for Plastic Surgery: Buttock Implants

  Every plastic surgery procedure has numerous issues that every patient who is undergoing a procedure should know. These explanations are always on a consent form that you should read in detail before surgery. This consent form, while many perceive as strictly a legal protection for the doctor, is actually more intended to improve the Read More…

Avoiding Complications from Buttock Implants

Buttock enhancement is one of the most popular cosmetic body procedures and the fastest growing operation due to its relative newness.  The most common method of buttock augmentation today is fat injections but the most predictable is that of inserting an actual implant. Implants do not resorb and provide a permanent result but they take Read More…

The Reality of Buttock Augmentation Options

  Buttock augmentation has become an extremely popular body contouring procedure. But unlike another body part, the breasts which are much more frequently augmented, the buttocks can not just be made to any desired size. I frequently get requests for patients who want a really ‘big butt.’ While what constitutes a large buttocks is open Read More…

Implants or Fat Injections for Buttock Augmentation

Attention to the size and shape of the buttocks has always been an important part of body aesthetics. But fashion trends, Hollywood and societal awareness has driven the demand for aesthetic buttock surgery to new levels in the U.S. over the past few years. As a result, buttock enhancement is one of the most rapidly Read More…

The Increasing Popularity of Buttock Augmentation

  While the overall number of plastic surgery procedures continue to slowly rise each year, some procedures have increased more than others. One such procedure is buttock augmentation, up nearly 40% last year.  Plumping procedures have always been popular in plastic surgery and the buttocks represents the biggest body part to plump of them all.  Read More…

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