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OR Snapshots – Posterior Cheekbone Reduction Osteotomy

Reduction of prominent cheekbones requires some form of bone reduction. While some may think that shaving or burring can reduce the width of the cheekbones, this is largely an ineffective technique. This is because the only portion of the cheekbone that is accessible for shaving is the most anterior portion right below the eye. This Read More…

OR Snapshots – Posterior Cheekbone Reduction Osteotomy

Cheekbone reduction surgery typically is done by a double osteotomy technique. The anterior cut allows the posterior body of the zygoma (main body of the cheekbone) to move in. The posterior cut is done at the back end of the attached zygomatic arch just in front of the ear. These two cuts allow the whole Read More…

Clinic Snapshots – Posterior Zygomatic Arch Osteotomy Incision

Cheekbone reduction surgery requires an understanding of the complete bony anatomy of the zygomatic bone. When most people think of the cheekbone ti is perceived as one solid block of bone just underneath the eye. While this area is a major part of the cheekbone, it overlooks the posterior extension of the cheekbone known as Read More…

Techniques in Cheekbone Reduction

  Cheekbone reduction, also known as reductive malarplasty, is a common operation in Asian patients. (although it can and is performed in patients of all ethnicities) There have been numerous cheekbone reduction osteotomy techniques that have been proposed, each with their own merits and proponents. But it is an operation that is not complication free Read More…

Facial Width Reduction By New Zygomatic Arch Reshaping Technique

The widest part of the face in most people is controlled by the lateral projection of the zygomatic arch. It is uncommon that the width of the temples or the jawline exceeds that of the zygomatic arches in the midface. The zygomatic body almost always sits inside the maximum width of the convexity of the Read More…

Prevention and Treatment of Facial Sagging after Cheekbone Reduction

One of the most common concerns about cheekbone reduction surgery is the risk of facial sagging afterwards. The cheek bones play a prominent role in soft tissue support of the face given its prominent skeletal position. There are muscular attachments of the masseter muscle to the underside of the anterior zygomatic body and attachments of Read More…

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