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The Value of Chin Implants in Facelift Surgery

A facelift primarily provides a rejuvenative effect along the neck and jaw line. By removing neck fat, tightening the platysma muscle, and removing excess skin back and up towards the ears, a more defined neck angle is created. Such changes are largely seen in the profile or three-quarter view which is how we are viewed Read More…

The Split Chin Implant Technique

  Chin augmentation uses an implant to reshape the chin. This is always in the forward direction for increased fullness. While at one time chin implants were only good at bringing the chin forward, today’s numerous implant styles allow for a long more options in altering chin shape. One of the most important chin implant Read More…

Minimal Incision Chin Augmentation

  Chin augmentation is usually done with an implant. By putting a synthetic implant in front of and around the sides of the chin, the soft tissue of the chin is pushed forward creating increased horizontal projection. As the soft tissue of the chin follows the underlying bone in a virtual 1:1 relationship, chin augmentation Read More…

Chin Augmentation and Facelift Surgery

  While a facelift procedure can have a dramatic effect on the neck, how significant that result can be is partially influenced by the position of the chin. Short chins are often associated with a short neck, limiting the results of any facelift procedure. Because of the significance of the position of the chin as Read More…

Vertical Chin Lengthening by Osteotomy and Downgrafting

  When one thinks of a short or small chin, most are envisioning it deficient in the horizontal dimension. (profile view) While this does make up the majority of cases of chin augmentation, there are other dimensions in which a chin can also be ‘short’. The second most common cause of chin deficiency is in Read More…

Rhinoplasty and Chin Augmentation – A Dual Facial Profile Change

  In considering rhinoplasty surgery, your face must be considered as a whole. The nose must be particularly assessed in reference to another horizontally projecting facial feature…the chin. If your chin is small, you may benefit from a chin implant. The reason is that the size of the chin changes the way you, and others,  Read More…

Vertical Chin Lengthening of the Short Chin and Lower Facial Height

  Chin augmentation is a multi-dimensional procedure. While most chin enhancements are for horizontal movements, there is a small subset of people who need vertical lengthening only or a combination of vertical and horizontal increases. When the chin is short in height, the distance between the lower lip and the bottom of the chin is Read More…

Chin Asymmetry – Options in Correction

  The location and prominence of the chin makes it a most visible facial part. It has a significant influence on the appearance and perception of one’s face. While it is recognized that a chin can be horizontally short or too long, and even vertically too short or too long, its position and shape is Read More…

Important Concepts of Chin Augmentation in Women

  Chin augmentation is a ‘simple’ and successful plastic surgery procedure for bringing the lower face into better balance with the neck and upper face. How far to bring the chin forward and how to determine that prior to surgery are important questions. But an equally important question is the difference between men and women Read More…

Chin Cleft Surgery – Making Them or Removing Them

  A cleft or dimple of the chin is  a visible indentation in the midline of the chin prominence. It can be small or quite deep and its presence is genetically determined. (dominant gene) It has appeared on many well known faces and most people can quickly name at least one famous person who has Read More…

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