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Can Custom Facial Implants Break Or Become Displaced By Trauma?

One of the very common questions patients ask about facial implants, and in particular custom implants, is what will happen to them if they are exposed to external trauma. With the implant fracture, become displaced or even make the bone more susceptible to being fractured? Most of these questions are based on potential sports-related trauma Read More…

The Transpalpebral Approach in Brow Bone Reshaping and Browlift Surgery

Aesthetic upper eyelid surgery is primarily associated with the blepharoplasty procedure due to it being commonly performed. Whether for the removal of excessive upper eyelid tissues, the correction of a low hanging eyelid (ptosis repair) or the creation of a double eyelid, the supratarsal crease line is largely used for direct surgical access to perform Read More…

Design Guidelines for Female Custom Forehead Implants

The forehead shape is very gender specific as are many facial features. These differences are well known. Men have a more complex topography to their forehead because of the prominent brow ridge that runs horizontally across it. The female forehead is smoother and flatter and lacks any prominent brow bone. The inclination of the male Read More…

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