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Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Board Certification Matters

  Every prospective patient who seeks cosmetic enhancements knows to ask or look for ‘board certification’ of their surgeon or treatment provider. While this is a seemingly good question, a positive answer may still not be a reassuring one that guarantees your doctor has all the requisite training and experience to give you the best Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Rhytiphobia and Botox

  As we age the development of wrinkles on our faces is inevitable. The motion of the muscles of facial expression eventually cause permanent creases or wrinkles to develop in the skin. For some people wrinkles represent a positive reflecting signs of knowledge and experience. For others they are a sign of losing one’s youth Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Breast Implant Serial Numbers

Right out of the files of ‘CSI Plastic Surgery’, a recent case out of China reported on the solving of a missing person’s case by their breast implants. A young murdered female was identified using an exposed silicone breast implant. Through the coding on the silicone breast implant, the police tracked the product back to Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Fat Atrophy after Trauma

A common observation in blunt traumatic injuries of the face and body that have resulted in large bruises or hematomas (blood collections) is that soft tissue or contour depressions may appear many months later. This is confusing to patients as they do not know why it occurs since they did not have a laceration or Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? The Original Nosejob

  The desire to change or make up a new nose has been around for a long time. The first recorded nose job is written in the ancient Indian Sanskrit texts around 600 BC. Doctor would reconstruct noses by taking a strip of skin from the forehead or cheeks, twisting the skin side over a Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know: The Need for Strong Male Jawlines

A strong jawline has been deemed as both a desireable and attractive male facial feature for millenia. A strong male jawline is not a passing fad or temporary fashion statement. It has been and always will be an important feature of a male face. Everyone knows that a strong jawline implies increased masculinity and increased Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Sunscreens and Skin Aging

Everyone by now knows the value of using sunscreens in lowering the risk of getting skin cancer. By decreasing the amount and duration of ultraviolet light skin exposure, the skin cells have more time to repair themselves and less chance of permanently damaging the natural healing mechanisms of the cell’s structure. In addition, it has Read More…

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