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Otoplasty in the Long Ear (Macrotia)

Prominent ears are the most common reason for an aesthetic otoplasty correction. There are numerous reasons that one has ears that stick out too far from the absence of the antihelical fold, a large concha or combinations thereof. The surgical techniques used to treat prominent ears are based on creating a more defined antihelical fold, Read More…

Case Study: Otoplasty with Earlobe Reduction

Background: Otoplasty, known as ear reshaping, is a commonly performed cosmetic procedure whose intent is to make the ears less conspicuous. An aesthetically pleasing ear is one which blends into the side of the head and has no feature that makes it an ‘eye catcher’. The best looking ear is really one that is not Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Earlobe Lengthening

The earlobe is uniquely different than the rest of the ear. Not because of his shape or location but because it does not contain cartilage. The earlobe only contains skin and fat. This is why the earlobe is soft and stretchy while the ear above it is more stiff and has minimal stretch to it. Read More…

Case Study: Reduction of Large Earlobes

Background:  The ears are often a forgotten facial structure if they are normal in shape and blend into the side of the face. But when they stick out too far or have an abnormal shape or proportions, they become noticeable and an aesthetic liability. Such is the case with the large earlobe. The earlobe is Read More…

Case Study: Rejuvenation of the Aging Earlobe (Earlobe Lift)

  Background:  As the face ages, numerous consistent tissue changes occur. Skin sagging, diminishing facial volume and the development of wrinkles and folds are commonly seen. While one of the smallest structures on the face, the earlobe is not immune to these same aging changes. As the only part of the ear that has no Read More…

Case Study: Reduction of Large Earlobes

  Background: One of the important components of an ear that contributes significantly to its appearance is the size and shape of the earlobe. Earlobes are as variable and unique to each individual as fingerprints. The earlobe is composed only of skin and fat without any cartilage support. As a result of no internal cartilage Read More…

Earlobe Rejuvenation with Lifts and Fillers

  Earlobes, like the rest of the face, undergoes changes with aging. The natural aging process involves a relaxation of the collagen fibers that make up its skin and atrophy of tissue volume, allowing the earlobe to get longer and thinner. When combined with the use of earrings, their weight will accentuate the sagginess of Read More…

Earlobe Reduction Plastic Surgery

  Large earlobes can be the result of one’s genetic inheritance or it can develop as one ages and the wearing of heavy ear rings in women. As a general rule, the length of the earlobe should be no more than one-fourth to one-fifth the height of the ear. But a large earlobe is obvious Read More…

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