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Jowl Correction in Facelift Surgery

Sagging of the jowls is considered to be among the top facial features that contributes to an aging look. This is clearly more true for women than in men in my experience. Woman notice the appearance of jowls much quicker than men and are generally more bothered by them. As the jowls droop, that once Read More…

Treating Facelift Rebound Neck Relaxation with a Submentoplasty

The facelift remains as the definitive procedure forimproving the undesired changes that occur in the neck and jowls with aging. Using techniques consisting of liposuction fat removal, elevation of a neck skin flap, and posterior tightening of the platysma, the neck can reliably be improved. While most necks will not achieve the purported 90 degree Read More…

Non-Invasive Skin Tightening of the Jowls and Neck

One of the more common things I hear patients say is ‘ I don’t want a facelift….can’t you just tighten a little bit of this saggy skin along my jowl line and neck?’ It is undoubtably a question asked to plastic surgeons around the world. Such a question has led to the development of non-invasive Read More…

How Long Does A Facelift Last?

  Facelift surgery remains the backbone of surgical facial rejuvenation as the neck and jowls are primary motivations for seeking out age-related improvement. As part of the consideration of a facelift, patients often ask how long it will last. With understandable concerns about cost effectiveness and the trepidation about another future surgery, the longevity question Read More…

Case Study: A Limited Facelift for the Appearance of Jowls

Background:  One of the most bothersome signs of facial aging is what happens to the neck. As the skin becomes more loose, the once sharp neck angle changes from acute to more obtuse. The chin may appear smaller as the neck angle opens up. This loose skin, combined with fat that has collected and a Read More…

The Jawline Lift – A 3/4 Facelift

A facelift is a well recognized plastic surgery procedure. Despite the recognition of its name, it is still a largely misunderstood operation. I have found very few patients who actually know what a true facelift is or how it is done. The name implies that it is a lifting procedure of the entire face, from Read More…

Earlobe Changes after Facelift Surgery

The fear of many facelift patients is that…they will look like they have had a facelift. This is an understandable fear as the best facelift results come from a result that looks natural, a result that in no way looks like one has had a facelift. The signs of ‘having had a facelift’, from a Read More…

Preventing Hairline Changes in Facelift Surgery

  Patients considering facelift surgery seek an improved  neck and jowl line. Such surgery requires the use of incisions around the ears to accomplish that goal. Patients are understandably concerned about the location of the scars, but once explained where they will lie, are reassured that they will not be noticeable to the general public. Read More…

Common Questions about Facelift Surgery

1.      How is a facelift done?   Facelift surgery is about lifting just one part of the face, the lower face. It is not a complete rejuvenation operation from the forehead down to the neck. Rather it focuses on just the neck and jowl line contrary to what many patients initially think. To define the Read More…

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