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Facelift Surgery – The Role of the Platysma Muscle

  Everyone recognizes that a facelift has a lot to do with managing loose jowl and neck skin. Through incisions around the ears, the skin in front of the ears and down and across the neck is lifted, moved up and backwards, and the excess trimmed. Essentially creating a ‘skin hammock’ from one ear to Read More…

Facelift Surgery Is More Than Just Skin

  The plastic surgery treatment of the aging face often involves a facelifting surgery. A facelift is one of the top ten cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. Despite its frequent performance and its recognition by the public, it is a procedure that is usually misunderstood. The most common misconception of a facelift is Read More…

Male Facelift Scars

Facelift surgery is more commonly performed in women than men. While improvement in sagging jowls and loose neck skin is desired by both sexes, women are more likely to act on their concern for a variety of social and psychological reasons. But when facelifts are done in men, there are several small but important differences Read More…

Facelift Incisions – Where Are They?

For anyone considering a facelift, one of the most important concerns or questions is……where are the incisions (scars) going to be? While there are numerous ‘kinds’ of facelifts, almost all of them use very similar types of incisions. The more extensive or complete the facelift is, the more likely and the longer the incisions will Read More…

Getting Rid of the Turkey Neck in Massive Weight Loss Patients

  With massive weight loss comes total body changes with many areas of loose hanging skin and fat. The neck , more than any other part of the face, suffers a similar fate with the development of a loose and low hanging waddle in some weight loss patients. This neck waddle (turkey neck) is not usually Read More…

Pain after Facelift Surgery

  Pain after surgery is an understandable and common fear, particularly in cosmetic plastic surgery where the decision to have it done is completely elective. Facelift surgery, in particular, has a popular perception that it will be very painful after the operation. After all, it is an extensive surgery on your face. How could it Read More…

Facelift Surgery – What To Expect Right After Surgery

  Facelift surgery brings dramatic changes to the neck and jowl area and helps to completely reverse the effects of aging and gravity on this visible facial area. While the euphoria of the final result is what many patients understandably think about, there are some expected after surgery events that happen that can be disturbing Read More…

The Lifestyle Lift – What It Is and What It Isn’t

  Due to television and internet advertising, I get a lot of questions from my exiting patients as well as new potential patients about the ‘Lifestyle Lift’.  This one-hour ‘method’ shows some fairly significant before and after results with improvement in the jowl and neck areas. Many people as they age would understandably like to Read More…

The Suture Suspension Facelift (Threadlift) – Does It Work?

The appeal of using specialized sutures to resuspend sagging facial tissues in a minimally-invasive operation is enormous. Doing a little facial tightening or tuck-up as an office procedure with little downtime has its obvious advantages. As a result, numerous types of barbed sutures have become available over the past five years and many such procedures Read More…

Rebound Relaxation After Facelift Surgery

  A facelift does a tremendous job of improving the neck and jowl lines. While there are numerous methods and advocates of different facelift techniques, there is not one universally agreed upon technique that ‘works the best’. All types of facelifts must engage one important reality….the surgery is treating the symptoms of the problem (loose skin Read More…

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