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The Natural Looking Facelift Result

  As facelifts have become commonplace, so do the telltale signs of someone having had a facelift. Almost everyone knows or has seen someone that has had, in their opinion, a ‘bad’ facelift. More specifically, they find that the person may look strange or different after surgery. Most importantly, they look like they have had something Read More…

Incisions are Key to a Good Facelift Result

Patients undergo facelifts to improve their neck and jawline but would ot consider visible or poor scarring a good trade-off in most cases. While many plastic surgeons can demonstrate how good their postoperative jawline, neck, and midface results are, it is equally important to have little to none of the telltale signs of having had Read More…

Facelifts and Chin Implants – A Natural Combination

  Facelifts are great procedures that can dramatically change the sagging jowl and neck area. Contrary to the perception of many, a facelift does little for most of the face. A facelift is really a neck procedure and is a facial procedure if you consider the neck and jawline the lower third of the face. Read More…

Facelift vs Direct Necklift for the Severe Turkey Neck

  As the face ages, so does the neck. For some, the neck is often one of the biggest areas of facial aging concern particularly as one gets older. The loss of the once smooth jaw line and a more well-defined neck angle are telltale signs of the effects of gravity and time. By definition, Read More…

Hair, Beard Skin and the Male Facelift

  Men, like women, are equally concerned as they age about their sagging neck or, unflattering called, the neck waddle or turkey neck. This is usually more important to men than other facial aging changes such as occurs around the eyes. As men often wear shirts and ties, this problem can even become magnified with Read More…

Insights into the Male Facelift

  While more women than men undergo facelift procedures, men still make up about 15% to 20% of the facelift population. Men are almost exclusively bothered by a ‘neck waddle’ and usually consider a facelift at an older age than women when this waddle is more significant. One of the keys to facelifting in men Read More…

Reshaping the Aging Lower Face

  A smaller lower face has been shown to be more attractive and youthful looking. Recent research has shown that, as we age, the lower jaw continues to grow more so than the rest of the face. Therefore, there is a change in the shape of the face as we get older that in some Read More…

The Top Ten Instructions After Your Facelift Surgery

  Here are the top ten instructions that I provide to my patients after their facelift surgery. 1. A bulky head and face dressing will be applied immediately after surgery. This will stay in place until the next day when it will be removed in the office. At the same time, your neck drains will Read More…

Facelift Options for Men

  Men pose uniquely different challenges than women when it comes to the consideration of facelift surgery. Men age just like women but usually are only concerned with their neck when becomes more of a waddle. As a result, they often are seen in plastic surgery consultation with more advanced facial aging concerns than what Read More…

Treatment Approaches for Double Chin Correction

  Whether you are young or old, some people end up with that annoying double chin even if they are not overweight. And while there are some ways to camouflage it, like wearing a turtleneck, that often is not practical or desired. Many times, that double chin or extra ‘neck’ is not seen or fully Read More…

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