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The Facelift as a Stand Alone Procedure

  The concept of a facelift for many patients, initially, seems extreme. Prospective patients often have a vision of being swollen and bruised for weeks over their entire face. Such thoughts have driven some patients to other less or minimally-invasive procedures which are often inappropriate for their facial aging problem. They may have been less Read More…

A Facelift That Is Quick and Fits Your LIfestyle

As we age, our face starts to show jowling and loose neck skin. This happens due to the pull of gravity on our facial tissues whose attachments to the underlying bones and tissues gradually loosens. While there are other signs of facial aging, these are often the most bothersome to many people. Most do not Read More…

The Difference between Limited vs. Full Facelifts

  Besides patient misconceptions about what a facelift really is, patients are also unaware that there are different types of facelift procedures today. As part of a basic concept of ‘matching the solution to the problem’, a facelift procedure should match the degree of anatomic facial aging, age of the patient, what recovery a patient Read More…

Understanding What A Facelift Is

  I would have to say that one of the biggest misconceptions on the part of patients in plastic surgery is in understanding what a facelift is. On a near daily basis, I explain to potential patients, much to their surprise, that what they envision a facelift to be it is not. Most patients have Read More…

Facelift Surgery and Patient Concerns

  Facelifts do an excellent job at achieving a rejuvenated facial appearance by tightening the neck and eliminating those sagging jowls. In the world of plastic surgery, there has been much debate over decades as to the best way to get and maintain a good facelift result that will hold up over years. These include Read More…

What To Do With That Aging Neck

  While there are many changes that occur in the face as we age, one of the most bothersome to many patients is the changes that occur in the neck. Progessive fullness of the neck, loose sagging skin, the development of vertical banding, the numerous horizontal wrinkles that appear low in the neck and the Read More…

The Resurgence of Facelift Procedures

  In looking at the latest plastic surgery statistics listed in the Plastic Surgery News, the single procedure with the greatest area of growth was that of facelifts. The statistics show that nearly 116,200 facelifts were performed on patients age 40 or older in 2007, an increase of 14% over 2006. On the one hand, Read More…

Treatment Options for the Jowls of Facial Aging

  One of the earliest signs of facial aging is the development of jowls or jowling. The jowls are areas of skin and fat that have fallen from the side of the face to hang along or below the jawline. As we age, these areas tend to become more noticeable as the sag worsens. The Read More…

The LifeStyle Lift – Different Names for the Same Procedure

My office often gets asked if we perform the ‘LifeStyle Lift’, ‘S-Lift’, and a variety of other names that end in -lift. The callers and patients don’t know, of course, that all these names really refer to the same procedure, otherwise known as a limited facelift. Their interest is peaked by the allure of improvement Read More…

The Necklift in the Bariatric Surgery Patient

One of the common sequelae in the massive weight loss patient after bariatric surgery is the development of a very saggy neck. What was once a very full neck for some patients becomes a hanging waddle after bariatric surgery for some. Unlike many of the body changes after bariatric surgery, the development of a sagging Read More…

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