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The Limited Facelift: A Jawline Tuck-Up

The sagging jawline is one of the first signs of sigificant facial aging. Occurring somewhere in the early to late 40s, the development of jowling begins which may be accompanied by looser skin in the neck and loss of the once-sharp neck angle. In seeing a lot of these early aging patients, they often are Read More…

The Layers and Vectors of a Facelift

  A facelift is one of the most recognized procedures in aesthetic plastic surgery…..but also one of the most misunderstood. The general public’s perception of a facelift….based on TV shows and the internet…is someone after such surgery being bruised from their eyes to their neck and their face wrapped up in a big dressing…like they Read More…

Use of the Limited Facelift in Early Facial Aging

  The Role of the Limited Facelift in the Younger Patient The last five years has seen the introduction and popularity of numerous non-surgical or minimally invasive techniques for facial rejuvenation. The list includes Botox, injectable fillers, skin tightening devices, and threadlifts. Each one of these techniques has carved out a niche amongst facial improvement Read More…

Understanding What A Facelift Really Is

Facelifts in Indianapolis – Understanding What A Facelift is It is quite frequent for me to have a patient come in that wants to improve their signs of facial aging, usually the jowls and neck, but doesn’t want a facelift. Or, quite the reverse, they have lines around their mouth and along the nasolabial folds, Read More…

Threadlift Facelifting – Hype or Hope?

The ThreadLift has received a lot of national attention lately on regional and local news and talk shows as an alternative to traditional facelifting. In this procedure, surgical threads are placed under the skin from the scalp down to sagging brows, cheeks, and jowls. Tightening the threads lifts the sags and bags caused by facial Read More…

Different Types of Facelifts

FACELIFTS – MATCHING THE OPERATION TO ONE’S AGE A facelift, medically known as a rhytidectomy, is a powerful cosmetic operation that can dramatically improve sagging jowls and necks. Despite the popularity today of many non-surgical facial rejuvenation methods, more facelifts are done today than ever before. Yet there remains two basic misunderstandings about the facelift Read More…

Facial Exercises And Their Potential Anti-Aging Effects

Can Exercising Reduce Facial Wrinkles and Lift Sagging Skin ?? One methods that has been touted for over fifty years to reduce facial wrinkling and aging is exercising the facial muscles. One of the original books on this subject was entitled Lift Up Your Face from the 1950s, which I actually have a copy in my Read More…

Customized Double Chin Correction Surgery

    Whether it be the younger patient who has always had a fuller neck or the older patient who has developed a neck ‘waddle’, the double chin appearance is an undesired facial look. It can be caused by either too much neck fat, loose neck skin, or a short chin or jaw. In the Read More…

Midace Rejuvenation – Implants vs Lift

One of the most overlooked areas of facial aging is that of the cheek region. Most think of facial aging in the neck, jowls, or eyes, and while these certainly exist, the midfacial cheek region often sags as well. In those patients with weak cheekbones and a flatter face, the cheek tissue can especially sag Read More…

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