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Options in Contemporary Surgical Neck Rejuvenation

  The neck, like the face, ages although it does so in a more simplistic fashion. With the neck it is only a matter of loss of the neck angle due to loose skin, fat accumulations and midline muscle separation. But with different degrees of neck aging at different times in life, the type of Read More…

Case Study: The Direct Necklift for the Older Male Neck Wattle

Background: The neck sags with age due to the development of sagging skin and fat and the separation of the neck muscles which exposes the subplatysmal fat. These neck changes can become really pronounced as one reaches the sixth and seventh decades of life. This is the time that many men take notice of their Read More…

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Male Facelift Surgery

Facelifts, technically known as a rhytidectomy, remains a very popular facial plastic surgery procedure despite the influence of numerous injectable facial therapies. According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) in 2012, 126,000 facelift procedures were done in the U.S.. Given that there are now many different types of facelifts from Lifestyle Read More…

Case Study: Facelift with Chin Augmentation

Background: As the face ages the tissues above the jawline fall and descend over it. This ‘wax off the candle effect’ combined with a sagging neck create the need for a facelift procedure which reverses many of these facial aging effects. Contrary to the perception of many, a facelift only treats the lower third of Read More…

Five Misconceptions About Facelifts

  The facelift procedure is one of the most recognizable operations in all of plastic surgery. Between the historic belief that all facelifts result in a ‘windblown’ or overdone look to the well advertised Lifestyle Lift of today, facelift surgery carries with it many perceptions and opinions…many of which are either blatantly wrong or misinformed. Read More…

The Younger Facelift – Less Is Just About Right

This generation of facelift patients is seeing a paradigm shift in how this facial rejuvenation procedure is being performed. In days gone by, one appeared when they were in their late 50s and 60s and had the procedure as a ‘reward’ for their years of life or waited until they retired when they had more Read More…

Case Study: Full Facelift for Neck Wattle Correction

Background: The concept of a facelift is one of the most recognizeable plastic surgery terms/procedures. It is such a pervasive term in the world of anti-aging treatments that  the mere mention of its name evokes strong reactions, some positive and others very derogatory about it. But despite its familiarity and perceptions, it is one of Read More…

Facelifts and Age Reversal

The term ‘facial rejuvenation’ encompasses a broad range of aesthetic soft tissue procedures of the face of which the most recognizeable is the facelift. Patients desire a facelift when their jowls and neck sag and they wish to have a more youthful jaw and neckline. One of the most common questions patients ask before surgery Read More…

Social Media-Induced Plastic Surgery

In days past, the mirror or a printed picture was how we conceived of ourself. It has been said that at any one time we are three different people, how others see us, how we see ourselves and the way we really look. A normal person is probably the one in which all three images Read More…

Case Study: The Direct Necklift For Neck Wattles In Women

Background: Aging of the face takes on many manifestations but inevitably the neck gets involved. Loss of the neck angle occurs as skin begins to sag, falling over the jawline in jowls and draping downward from the central portion of the neck. In more advanced aging, the platysmal muscles of the neck separate and fat Read More…

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