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3-D Implant Design and Engineering in Facial Reconstructive Surgery

Facial reconstruction patients can benefit today from custom-made bone replacements and bone fixation aids to optimize for the postoeprative form and function. High-resolution computed tomography (CT) modeling allows plastic surgeons to custom-design implants prior to reconstructive surgery. They are particularly useful for facial bone defects of the lower jaw (mandible), skull and the forehead and Read More…

Understanding the Zones of Midface Implants

  Facial implants have come a long way in the past two decades with the introduction of dozens of different styles. One of the expanding facial implant areas is that of the midface. Known commonly as the cheek, it has become recognized that its anatomy is more complex than a single implant design can adequately Read More…

Injectable Fillers and Facial Implants are Not Interchangeable

  The use of injectable fillers has been revolutionary in the augmentation of facial soft tissues. The wide array of different filler compositions and their immediate results with a minimal complication rate has enabled patients to enjoy facial enhancements that could not be envisioned just over a decade ago. But like all good things, injectable Read More…

Common Questions about Facial Implants

  1.      What are the different types of facial implants?   All facial implants are designed to highlight or augment weak facial bone structures. Most commonly, three specific areas are most commonly done including the cheeks, chin, and jaw angles. As a result, there are numerous sizes and styles for these frequently used implants.   Read More…

Jawline Implants in Men

  There is no doubting the influence that a strong jawline has on the appearance of the male face. From a well-defined chin back to the jaw angle, a straight and strong jawline creates a favorable lower third of the face which is aesthetically important in men. But creating a good jawline for those who don’t Read More…

Treating the Tear Trough Deformity

  A tear trough deformity is a deep indentation between the eye and the nose. Technically known as the nasojugal fold, this natural indentation becomes very noticeable if it gets too deep. Some people have tear troughs naturally, while others develop them with aging. Either way, it creates a dark shadow which is cosmetically distracting. Read More…

Defining and Treating the Tear Trough Facial Deformity

  The tear trough facial deformity is a frequently misunderstood cosmetic problem. The use of the term ‘tear’ trough’ implies that it lies close to the eye but it is easy to confuse it with other lower eye and cheek issues. Because the cheek and eyelid areas are right next to each and the shape of one area affects Read More…

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