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Paranasal-Premaxillary Implant Design and Intraoperative Fabrication

  While numerous types of implants exist for many areas of the face, the central midface has only ever had one implant style. The well known although infrequently used Peri-Pyriform implant, as the name indicates, provides an augmentation around the base of the nose. This anatomically is known as the pyriform aperture which serves as Read More…

OR Snapshots – ePTFE Premaxillary-Paranasal Implant Design

Increasing the projection of the central midface at the base of the nose and upper lip involves augmenting the bony perimeter of the pyriform aperture. This anterior bony opening in the maxilla leads into the nose. At its more narrow end superiorly are the nasal bones. At its larger lower end the bone curves down Read More…

The Three Types of Infraorbital Rim Implants

The undereye area has become a focus of aesthetic attention for the management of tear troughs and hollows. Some of these occur as a result of aging and others have a more congenital origin which then becomes more apparent with aging. Treatment for aesthetic under eye issues is fundamentally about adding volume. Injectable fillers and Read More…

ePTFE-Coated Silicone Nasal Implants for Augmentation Rhinoplasty

ePTFE (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) offers a facial implant material that is very biocompatible and also induces some tissue adherence. Due to the microfibrillar nature of its surface, ePTFE has some surface porosity where fibroblasts can attach and induce collagen attachments. ePTFE, however, does not come in any solid preformed facial implants and they have to be Read More…

The Different Types of ePTFE Facial Implants

There have been a wide variety of materials used for facial implants over the past fifty years. But as today there are really only three basic biomaterials that have proven consistently effective and easily manufactured with a relatively low incidence of complications in human facial implantation use. These biomaterials are silicone, polyethylene (Medpor) and polytetrafluoroethylene. Read More…

Pyriform Aperture Implant for Reduction of Excess Gingival Show

A gummy smile or excess gingival exposure is well known to be the result of vertical maxillary bony excess. Corrective methods include a maxillary impaction procedure or soft tissue lowering gummy smile procedures. Both approaches have their indications and are most commonly used in Caucasian patients. In the December 2016 issue of the Annals of Read More…

Facial Implants and Biofilms – Implications for Postoperative Infections

Synthetic implants are widely used and important for many types of facial augmentation. Without them many aesthetic facial procedures would not be possible or would be far more difficult to perform and have higher risks. The risk of infection with facial implants is acknowledged by surgeons and patients alike. Fortunately facial implant infections are very Read More…

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