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Implant Options for Deep Glabellar Wrinkles/Furrows

The most common cosmetic treatment of the glabellar region is that of Botox injections. By decreasing the effects of the procerus and corrugator muscles, the creation of vertical glabellar wrinkles or furrows is diminished. But Botox only treats dynamic dynamic wrinkling and will not change static wrinkles which represent the long term effects of unrestrained Read More…

Forehead Widening Implants

Facial implants are commonly used to augment various areas of the face. While historically this had been relegated to the cheeks and chin, their use has been widely extended to many other facial areas as well. One of the newer areas of facial implant use has been the temporal region for correction of excessive temporal Read More…

Orbital Rim Implants in Graves Eye Disease

Graves eye disease, while well known, does not have one standard way that it presents itself. It is a complex eye disorder that presents with differing anatomic involvement of the periorbital tissues that varies based on the stage of the disease. But the classic findings include proptosis/exophthalmos (bulging eyes), upper eyelid retraction and restriction of Read More…

Five Things You May Not Know About Custom Facial Implants

The use of facial implants dates back to over fifty years ago when the first chin augmentation was done. With the expansion of facial implant styles and sizes over the years, there are many options today for nose, cheek, chin and jaw angle implants as the standard facial areas treated. In addition to these areas, Read More…

New Paranasal Implant Design for Midface Augmentation

Of all the commercially available facial implants, one of the most obscure and least commonly used is that of the paranasal implant. Augmenting the base of the nose is historically associated with rhinoplasty surgery in an effort to add overall projection to the base of the nose. It was initially seen as a nose augmentation Read More…

The Biocompatibility of Silicone Polymer Implants in Plastic Surgery

Short of metal implants used for fixation and repair in bone surgery, most implants used  in plastic surgery are composed of a silicone-based material. It may have varying states of being a solid, (soft to more firm) but silicone-containing implants have long been recognized as one of, if not the most, biocompatible synthetic material in Read More…

Saline Injection Trials for Facial Implants

Facial augmentation can be done by either temporary injectable fillers into the soft tissues or permanent implants placed down on the bone. Such materials causing a change in the external shape of the face in the area treated but its exact change can not be precisely predicted. While computer imaging can try to create the Read More…

Case Study: Female Jawline Implant Augmentation

Background: An underdeveloped jaw or mandible has been historically treated by chin and jaw angle implants. A chin implant enhances the front part of the jaw while jaw angle implants augment the posterior part of the jaw. While these types of facial implants are tremendously effective at augmenting the two obvious prominences of the jaw, Read More…

Plastic Surgery Wisdom – Choosing Breast and Facial Implant Size

  Aesthetic augmentation using implants is an important part of many cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. Whether it is the breast or different areas of the face, implants are used to make these areas bigger. While there are numerous factors that go into selecting the right implant for the need, the consideration of implant size is Read More…

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