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Brazilian Butt Lift in Thin Patients

The success of buttock augmentation by fat injection depends, first and foremost, on having enough fat to harvest. If not enough volume of fat is available, it does not matter how well it survives as the buttock result will be inadequate. This has made the use of buttock fat grafting in thin patients historically not Read More…

Buttock Augmentation in Men

  Buttock augmentation has grown in popularity over the past decade from a scant few patients who received implants to large numbers of patients today that receive fat injections. Regardless of the augmentation technique, enhancement of the derriere has been almost exclusively the domain of women. Fashion trends, particularly amongst certain ethnicities, has made having Read More…

Plastic Surgery Practice Trends in Fat Grafting to the Breast

Breast surgery, whether it is for aesthetic or reconstructive purposes, is one of the most common forms of plastic surgery of the body. Over the past decade fat grafting has worked its way into a mainstream technique for all forms of breast reshaping/remaking surgery. It has become so pervasive based on articles in peer-reviewed journals Read More…

Blepharoplasty with Fat Injections

The most common procedure for rejuvenation of the periorbital area is surgical blepharoplasty. Removing skin from the upper and lower eyelids as well as fat mainly from the lower eyelid can make the eyes appear refreshed and more open. But tissue excess is not the exclusive problem that occurs around the eyes as they age. Read More…

Fat Injections in the Treatment of Facial Aging

The use of one’s own fat for the correction of a variety of aesthetic and reconstructive soft tissue needs in plastic surgery is now more than just a fad. It has rapidly become an established technique even though much of the science as to how it works, and sometimes does not work, is far from Read More…

Calf Augmentation with Fat Injections

The shape of the lower third of the leg is highlighted by the appearance of the calfs. Whether they are big, small or somewhere in between, they are the dominant shape between the knee and ankle. The shape of the calfs is largely controlled by the size of the paired medial and lateral heads of Read More…

The Fat Grafting Science Behind The Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is one of the most popular and talked about body contouring procedures in the past few years. Driven by celebrities, models and the desire for a certain look in clothes, a rounder and fuller buttock shape has taken on a new level of aesthetic desire and sensuality. While it is often Read More…

Fat Injections for the Treatment of Dry Mouth From Irradiation

  Radiation for a variety of head and neck cancers is well known to affect all tissues in its path. Since the parotid gland frequently is involved in radiation portals, it receives unintentional radiation and suffers the side effects of such exposure. This almost always causes some degree of dry mouth or xerostomia. When xerostomia Read More…

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