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Rejuvenation of Wrinkled Breast Cleavage

Aging affects the entire body in very similar ways. The skin becomes wrinkled, loose and often dotted with pigmented discolorations. While much focus is understandably placed on these skin aging changes in the face, and even on the back of the hands, there are other potentially treatable areas that are overlooked. One of these is Read More…

Improved Understanding of Injectable Fat Graft Volume Survival

Fat grafting has risen to the significance of being a standard procedure for the treatment of a wide variety of soft tissue defects and augmentations. It has become so because fat is almost always available in every patient, it is a natural substance and it can be delivered by injection. Collectively these factors make fat Read More…

The Incomplete Science of Injection Fat Grafting To The Face

Fat grafting to the face for volume restoration or augmentation has become very popular in the past five years. The appeal of it to plastic surgeons and patients alike is irresistible given that it is not only a natural substance but that it is relatively easy to administer by injection. Fat grafting just seems like Read More…

The Theory and Science of Fat Grafting Survival

Fat grafting by injection is an ever expanding technique in plastic surgery. But it remains far from a perfect method because so little of the science of fat transplantation is well understood. What happens to the fat cells that are injected, do stem cells really survive and convert to fat cells after injection and what Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Fat Grafting and Stem Cells

The popularity of fat grafting today has more to do than just with it’s generous supply in most patients, being composed of a natural substance or its ability to be placed by injection. There are all admirable qualities of a grafting material for sure. But within fat it has been discovered that stem cells exist…and Read More…

Temporal Augmentation with Fat Injections

A recent news story out of the UK in London headlined the transfer of fat from a man’s stomach to his head to reshape it. Given that fat injections to the face, breast and buttocks have become so popular over the past decade, such a story is at the very least noteworthy. The patient was Read More…

Eyebrow Rejuvenation with Fat Injections

Fat grafting to the face, done by injection, has become incredibly popular in the past decade. The recognition that most faces lose fat volume as they age has led to fat grafting done alone or in conjunction with other facial lifting procedures. One such area of volume addition in the aging face is that of Read More…

Facial Fat Compartments and Fat Injection Augmentation

‘Fat in the Face’ has become a topic of great interest in plastic surgery in the past few years. Understanding where the fat compartments and layers are in the face and how they influence the outward shape of the face has undergone a lot of anatomic study and descriptions recently. The main emphasis of these Read More…

Stem Cell Applications in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

  The field of stem cell research has spurned a lot of new potential medical applications. Enthusiasm is high as to what stem cells may do and many almost give them magical properties and disease curative capabilities. Much of this enthusiasm is at least partially warranted based on a large number of animal and cell Read More…

Outcomes of Fat Injections in Secondary Breast Reconstruction

  Fat grafting by injection continues to grow in popularity and in number of applications. Whether it is for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, it offers a very focused method for filling soft tissue defects. While fat injections are fairly simple, this does not mean they are without complications. How well the fat survives and does Read More…

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