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Fat and Stem Cell Injections for Breast Lumpectomy Defects

Lumpectomies for the treatment of breast cancer is an increasing method of therapy that spares much of the breast. With earlier detection of breast cancer today, less invasive and better breast conservation is now commonplace. Lumpectomies, however, leave indentations and crater-like dents after the cancerous tissue has been removed. Because of the size and location of Read More…

Nasolabial Fold Reduction with Strip Fat Grafts

As one ages, much of the face falls downward. This is well known but, what is not obvious, is that the central part of the face falls much less than the side. The nose and the upper lip fall only slightly, being held up by the projecting structure of the  nasal and upper jaw bones. Read More…

Implants and Fat Grafting for the Treatment of HIV Facial Wasting

Facial wasting is a very specific condition of the face in which specific areas of fat are resorbed and, in its severest form, is unique to the HIV patient taking retorviral medication. Nobody knows exactly why fat from the faces specifically goes away on people taking anti-HIV drugs, but a significant percentage of such patients Read More…

Facial Lipoatrophy and Abraham Lincoln

The official birthday (200th) of Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president from1861 to 1865, occurred on February 12, 2009.  Many states that had formerly observed Lincoln’s birthday have created a joint holiday to honor both Lincoln and our first president George Washington, known as Presidents Day. It coincides with the Federal holiday officially designated Washington’s Birthday, Read More…

Fat Injection Enhancement of the Aging Face

  As the face matures ages over time, some people will develop fat loss which can make the face appear somewhat hollow and sunken. While this may have been a good look when one was young, in the older face such fat loss makes it appear much older and even a bit ill-appearing. A good Read More…

Reshaping the Aging Lower Face

  A smaller lower face has been shown to be more attractive and youthful looking. Recent research has shown that, as we age, the lower jaw continues to grow more so than the rest of the face. Therefore, there is a change in the shape of the face as we get older that in some Read More…

The Use of Fat Graft Injections to the Face for Volumetric Augmentation

  While now nine different synthetic injectable fillers exist for the cosmetic treatment of facial lines and wrinkles, none of them are permanent. As they are all artificially-created materials, the body will eventually absorb or break them down so their plumping effect dissipates with time. Fat from your own body remains as a very appealing Read More…

Cheek Implants and Fat Grafting for Facial Lipoatrophy

  Facial lipoatrophy, sometimes referred to as facial wasting, is the loss of fat in the face usually in the cheek and temple areas. It is not necessarily loss of fat in all cases, in some it is simply that it was never there to start. It really represents a failure of adequate development of Read More…

Fat Transplantation and Grafting in Plastic Surgery

Despite the more recent public awareness of fat removal by liposuction and fat injections for volume addition in the past 20 years, the use of fat in plastic surgery has been around for over 50 years. The history of liposuction dates back to the early 20th century with the famous first case of unsuccessful liposuction Read More…

Fat, Liposuction and Fat Injections – Questions Yet To Be Answered

As a plastic surgeon, I certainly am asked and do treat a lot of fat concerns. Whether it be liposuction treatments for fat removal or fat injections for adding volume somewhere, plastic surgeons probably handle more fat than any other medical specialty. Yet, we still do not understand much of its physiology and its response to Read More…

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