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Concepts in Female Forehead Augmentation

  There are numerous gender differences in the shape of the female and the male face and the forehead is no exception. In fact the forehead can be one of the most significant gender markers. This is seen in the prominence of the brow bone in men and the suprabrow bone break that women don’t Read More…

Technical Strategies – Endoscopic Custom Forehead Implant Placement

  Aesthetic forehead augmentation to correct a sloped, irregular or deficient frontal bone can be done by a variety of materials placed on top of the bone. Having used every one of them, they each have their merits and each material type can be successfully used in experienced hands. But the forehead augmentation method that Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Female Forehead Augmentation

  Background: Like the rest of the face, the appearance of the forehead is very gender specific. A female forehead usually has three specific components to it. First there is no perceptible brow bone ridge or brow bone break into the forehead. It is smooth as it ascends from the supraorbital rims into the upper Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Male Forehead Augmentation

Background: The forehead represents one third of the face and had a valuable role to play in facial aesthetics. Besides the length and width of the forehead, its other major aesthetic feature is its slope. (as most easily appreciated in the side view) This forehead feature is well known to be gender specific. Women have Read More…

Case Study: Forehead Augmentation for Forehead Horns

Background: The desirable features and shape of the male forehead is well known. It consists of a brow bone prominence, a superior brow bone break and a smooth slightly convex shape of the upper forehead to the hairline. A wider or more square forehead shape is often seen as an asset as well. Some put Read More…

Case Study: Custom Male Forehead Implant

Background: The male forehead is uniquely different from that of females. It has more prominent brow bones, a well defined brow break and a forehead that has no more than 10 to 20 degree angulation backward into the frontal hairline superiorly. This is quite different from a female’s forehead which ideally has little to no Read More…

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