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Case Study: Jaw Angle Implants For Complete Jawline Enhancement

  Background: Enhancement of the jaw is historically perceived as a chin augmentation procedure. But the chin occupies less than 1/3 of the jawline and neglects the back part of the jaw which is much larger and makes up a significant part of the lower face. This jaw angle area is having increased recognition as Read More…

Contemporary Implant Concepts For Surgical Jawline Enhancement

  ‘All societies in history were and are preoccupied with facial beauty’ ‘ Facial balance and symmetry are the key features to attractiveness’ ‘All people regardless of race, class or age share a similar sense of what is attractive’ ‘Square jawed males are viewed as more masculine, gain higher ranks in the military and have Read More…

Case Study: Jawline Enhancement in the Thin Male Face

  Background: A strong jawline is perceived as a sign of masculinity and is a commonly desired feature of some men. Using implants is the only way to create a well-defined jawline through the triple approach of chin and jaw angle implants. While these implants are available in different materials from various manufacturers, their most Read More…

Options in Aesthetic Jawline Enhancement

The jawline is the defining feature of the lower face. It is quite simple from a structural standpoint being a u-shaped arc and serving as the transition between the face and the neck. But it can have lots of aesthetic problems that are extremely common complaints. A weak chin, a sagging neck, a double chin, Read More…

Case Study: Jaw Angle Implants in Jawline Enhancement

Background: The aesthetic appearance of the lower third of the face is defined largely by the size and shape of the underlying jaw bone. The support that the bone provides in the transition of the face into the neck creates one of the face’s most distinctive features. There are three aesthetic zones to this jawline Read More…

Shaping The Male Face to be ‘Super’

  Superman has been an American cultural icon since he first appeared in comic books back in 1938. His appearance is absolutely distinctive, most notably that of his red, white and blue colors and the stylized S shield on his chest. The shield is so symbolic of his character than its appearance alone immediately brings Read More…

Facial Reshaping Surgery for the Male Model Look

Almost anyone in the world is aware of the recent tragedy in Norway with the mass killings of an incomprehensible number of Norwegian teens and young adults. The murderer Anders Breivik appears to have acted alone, driven by his white supremacist and anti-Muslin views. What has caught my attention as a plastic surgeon, however, is Read More…

Implant Options in Jawline Reshaping

  The lower third of the face is dominated by the jawline. The jawline extends from one jaw angle around a convex arch to the other. It is actually the largest surface area of any facial bone prominence. Leading the way is the chin but the jaw angles located at the back play an often Read More…

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