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Biologic Tissue Reactions around Jaw Angle Implants

The placement of implants on the facial bones, like implants placed anywhere in the body, causes well recognized tissue responses. The encapsulation of the implant by scar, known as a capsule, is the body’s method of separating ‘self from non-self’.  This capsule also serves to lock the implant down, creating a fixed and immoveable implant Read More…

The Pterygomasseteric Sling in Jaw Angle Implant Placement

Jaw angle implants are to the back of the jaw like chin implants are to the front. They have become more popular for facial augmentation as the aesthetic value of the back of the jaw, or the entire jawline, has become recognized as creating a such enhanced lower third of the face. No longer should Read More…

Impacted Wisdom Teeth and Jawline Implants

Jaw angle implants as well as complete jawline implants are highly effective methods for augmentation of the lower third of the face. They either enhance the effects of a prior or concomitant chin augmentation or create an entire enhancement of the whole lower face as a stand alone implant procedure due to complete jawline bone Read More…

The Jaw Angle Cap Implant for Improved Jaw Definition

The contemporary desire for a well defined jaw angle rivals that of the more well established demand for increased chin projection. Even though it is on the back part of the jaw, its influence on the perception of the lower face is significant as there are two jaw angles that project out from the side Read More…

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