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Case Study – Lip Advancement Revisions

Background: Lip augmentations are very popular and are most commonly done with the use of injectable fillers. But not every smaller lip can be satisfactorily augmented by fillers alone and, even when a satisfactory result is achieved, women may eventually tire of the need for repeated injection sessions and their cost. A lip advancement is Read More…

Case Study: Upper Lip Advancement in a Man

Background: There are many options for lip enhancement today of which injectable fillers is by far the most commonly used. But for a permanent change in size, surgical options must be considered. Two basic types of lip lifts exists done either from under the nose (subnasal lip lift)or from the edge of the top of Read More…

Case Study: Lip Advancement for Lip Asymmetry

Background: The size and shape of the lips is controlled by many factors. But one of the most important is the pink part of the lip known as the vermilion. The size of the lips is largely controlled by the vermilion height of the vermilion. (lip line out to the skin edge or vermilion-cutaneous junction) Read More…

Case Study: Surgical Rejuvenation of the Aging Mouth

Background: Aging affects all parts of the face and the mouth area is no exception. The changes of the lips and the perioral tissues are classic and include thinning of the lips, downturning of the corners of the mouth and the development of vertical lip lines. These central facial aging changes are unaffected by more Read More…

Case Study: Revision of Lip (Vermilion) Advancements

Background: While injectable fillers are the most common form of lip augmentation, there are limits as to the lip changes they can achieve. While fillers add volume, they have a limited ability to significantly increase the vertical height of the lip. The vertical or visible size of the lip vermilion is what all forms of Read More…

Durability of Excisional Lip Lifts

Excisional methods of lip rejuvenation, known as lip lifts, are an historic treatment. While pushed aside with the introduction and widespread adoption of injectable fillers, they are making a comeback with the realization that fillers can not solve all insufficient or aging lip problems. They are beginning to reappear in publications and at meetings as Read More…

The Role Of Excisional Lifts in Lip Enhancement

  The lips, like the eyes and the nose, are central facial features that are also quite visible in facial expressions. Their size and shape determine their degree of attractiveness and contemporary pleasing lips are known to be full and have a well defined cupid’s bow. As the lips age numerous changes can take place Read More…

Case Study: Lip Advancements for Older Thin Lips

  Background:  The mouth is an important aesthetic facial feature of a woman. The main feature of a pleasing mouth area is adequate lip size. Lips that are full and plump are associated with youth and increased sexuality. Some women are born with naturally full lips that last their entire lifetime. Others are born with Read More…

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