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The Technique of Six-Pack Abdominal Etching Liposuction

When it comes to the ‘abs’ most people think of having a six-pack. And many work hard to try and get it. But not many can for a variety of reasons…not working hard enough, too much abdominal fat from poor diet and not the right body type. Getting six-pack abs really comes down to genetics Read More…

Liposuction and Fat Cell Biology – Are The Results Maintained? Part 2

Fat cells are well known to release a large of cytokines (adipokines) that help regulate energy homeostasis and overall body fat mass. (leptin, tumor necrosis factor and many others) Leptin, for example, is a hormone produced by fat cells to help regulate body energy balance. Higher levels of leptin release favors energy burning rather than Read More…

Liposuction and Fat Cell Biology – Are The Results Maintained? Part 1

Much of body contouring surgery employs well known methods of liposuction whose effectiveness is based on the removal of fat cells and their lipid contents. While lipoaspiration is highly successful in the short-term, as evidenced by endless before and after pictures from plastic surgeons, patients understandably want to know what is it’s long-term effects. In Read More…

The Weight of Fat Removal in Liposuction

The removal of unwanted fat, particularly in the abdomen and waistline, by liposuction is a very common body contouring procedure. While it is preached to patients before surgery that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure but one that only changes body contours, patients are inevitably interested in knowing how much the fat that was Read More…

Options in Contemporary Surgical Neck Rejuvenation

  The neck, like the face, ages although it does so in a more simplistic fashion. With the neck it is only a matter of loss of the neck angle due to loose skin, fat accumulations and midline muscle separation. But with different degrees of neck aging at different times in life, the type of Read More…

Case Study: Realistic Male Abdominal and Love Handle Liposuction Results

Background: Liposuction is the most commonly performed body contouring procedure when judged by surface areas treated and the number of patients who undergo it. For men it is absolutely the most common aesthetic body contouring procedure and is largely done for the abdomen, waistline and chest. These are the primary areas in men that are Read More…

Liposuction To Pass The Military Body Fat Percentage Test

Liposuction is a well known body contouring procedure that is widely used to remove excess areas of fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. There are many reasons that people undergo liposuction and the timing may be related to an upcoming event (wedding, vacation, reunion) or that they just have gotten frustrated with it Read More…

Inner Thigh Liposuction for the Thigh Gap

A recent internet article appeared from experts in eating disorders about an Internet-fueled trend in which young women are pursuing the ‘thigh gap’ look. An erroneous concept that one can become so slender that their thighs don’t touch even when their feet are together. Eating disorder experts point out that this is an unachievable goal Read More…

The Mechanism and Effectiveness of Power-Assisted Liposuction

Liposuction is a plastic surgery technique that relies heavily on mechanical equipment as well as some fundamental physics for effective subcutaneous fat removal. For many years liposuction was done using blunt-tipped cannulas with various hole arrangements just off of its rounded end. Subsequent technological advancements have focused on delivering various energies to the fat tissue Read More…

The Physics of Liposuction

Adipose tissue is loose connective tissue that is composed of fat cells, fibroblasts (as well as other cell types), small blood vessels, proteins and water. It serves many important bodily roles from the preservation of body heat, the protection of vital organs to an  efficient means of energy storage. However, some people have too much Read More…

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