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Technical Strategies – Strip Foam Dressings for Abdominal Etching

Liposuction of the abdomen is the most common body contouring procedure done today. It has remained so since the introduction of liposuction techniques almost forty years ago. The primary objective of abdominal liposuction has been volume reduction, make the abdominal and flank areas smaller with a less thick fat layer. While the term ‘liposculpture’ is Read More…

Technical Strategies – Perioral Mound Microliposuction

Defatting of the face is very different than the body. Due to the location of vital motor nerves, the more fibrous nature of facial fat and its very discrete locations, facial fatting is much more limited. While it is possible to selectively remove small areas of facial fat, it is not possible to have a Read More…

Guidelines for Reducing Major Complications in Liposuction

Liposuction remains the most common cosmetic body contouring procedure, both in terms of numbers of patients and body areas treated. While the overwhelming numbers of patients who undergo the procedure do well, there is always the risk of an adverse medical event. The invasive nature of the procedure with instrument introduction and the infusion of Read More…

Does Large Volume Liposuction Have Medical Benefits?

Liposuction is a well known subcutaneous fat removing technique that has proven to be very effective. It can be so effective that large volume liposuction became commonly practiced until its potential adverse effects and complication rates came to light and safe amounts of maximum removal became established. (5 liters) While not a weight loss technique, Read More…

OR Snapshots – The Safe Limit of Fat Removal in Liposuction

Liposuction is the most commonly performed cosmetic body contouring procedure, both by number of patients and body surface area. It has undergone a lot of technical improvements over the past third-five years from patient indications to the technical equipment needed to perform it. While understandably viewed as an aesthetic procedure, its traumatic impact on the Read More…

The Safety and Effectiveness of Perioral Mound Liposuction

While liposuction is widely used over many body areas, its applications to the face are much more limited. Between the far fewer isolated fat pockets and the location of motor nerve branches, facial liposuction is a fairly limited technique for fat reduction outside of the neck. One facial area that can have liposuction done is Read More…

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