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What is the Maximum Amount of Fat That Can Be Safely Removed by Liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the most common and successful body contouring procedures. Having now been around for almost 35 years in the U.S., it has undergone many evolutions and refinements in treatment strategies and in the equipment to do it. With widespread use of liposuction by many different practitioners and methods, complications from liposuction surgery Read More…

Safety of Tummy Tuck Combined with Abdominal Liposuction

A tummy tuck is a major abdominal operation that usually removes a large horizontal ellipse of lower abdominal skin and fat. While tremendously effective, many patients having the procedure have excess fat beyond the zone of the tummy tuck excision whose reduction would improve the overall abdominal contouring result. While liposuction of the flanks is Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Knee and Calf Liposuction

Background: Liposuction is performed over many areas of the body, most commonly in the trunk region. (abdomen, chest and flanks) Its success is largely dependent on how well the overlying skin can retract after the underlying fat is removed. There are numerous types of liposuction that claim superior results if used. But the key to Read More…

Case Study: Liposuction of the Male Stomach and Love Handles

Background: Liposuction remains a popular and very effective method of body contouring through subcutaneous fat removal. While there are numerous types of liposuction, the surgeon’s technique and attention to detail is probably more important than any single liposuction technology. In essence the hands and experience of the surgeon always trumps technology. While men probably make Read More…

The Importance of Skin Elasticity in Liposuction

Liposuction is the ‘largest’ cosmetic procedure performed around the world if it is rated based on surface area alone. It is certainly by sheer numbers one of the top five aesthetic body procedures performed every year as shown by annual statistics. But the extent of the surface area it treats is what really distinguishes liposuction Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Liposuction for Congenital Flank Lipodystrophy

Background: The vast majority of the human population will collect fat in face and body areas that they don’t want. While aesthetically undesireable, it is normal and expected for most people. Plastic surgeons will usually call these fat collections, typically around the waistline, as lipodystrophy. Such a term suggests a medical condition defined by abnormal Read More…

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